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Lance was super pumped to meet his new room mate even though he wouldn't figure out who it was until he got there, he was still excited. Once he got to the lobby of where he needed to check into his dorm he was trying to imagine what his roommate would be like.

I wonder if they'll  be a weird kid, or maybe theyll be super smart... maybe theyll be really lay back. Or maybe theyll be energetic like me!? Millions of thoughts rushed in and out of lances Head he was excited yes, but also very nervous. What if his roommate doesn't like him... what if it's...

No I can't be it won't be. What chances would that moody asshole end up being with all of this. Lance smiled to himself being sure that...Keith kogane wouldn't be his roommate, even though he wasn't sure, what are the chances....

After lance finished signing in and what not he decided that he would wander around campus for a while. He would be here for a while so he Midas we'll get used to the place. Maybe I should take my stuff up to my dorm first. Lance grabbed his key from the front desk that had his name imprinted on it with a identification scan on the back. The school was very secure about strangers entering the high school. Eventually lance entered an elevator and clicked the 7th button.

The elevator came to a stop on the 5th floor letting all of the people off that needed to get to their dorms and moved on eventually stopping at the 7th floor. Lance stepped out of the elevator and settled off to find his dorm. "B3" lance repeated to himself "B3". Lances feet then stumbled upon his dorm and was in shock for a moment...

His roommate would be behind these doors. Lance felt nervous... normally he could go towards any task with excitement, no fear needed, but this scared him. It made him feel butterflies in his stomach, something he had never felt before. So he considered it being nervous.

Lance stood there for a moment but then began to fumble with his key putting it in the lock, turning it until he heard the familiar click a door would make when it was unlocked. Then he pushed open the door.

As soon as the door opened he was slapped in the face with a new smell. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. He told himself. He stepped into the room nervously shaking only enough if someone were to pay attention they'd notice. He turned around and shut the door. When he turned back around he saw the rest of the dorm almost already decorated... his roommate was here because he looked on the kitchen table and saw the key sitting next to a cup. Lance didn't want to be nosy so he didn't bother looking at it, he wanted to meet his roommate not snoop his roommates stuff until he was in sight.

The dorm was set up into four parts, when you walk in there's a small section that separates the kitchen and the entrance, the kitchen had a basic fridge stove and counters that any other kitchen would have. Next to the kitchen on your left when you walked in was the living room it had a TV set with surround sound and two couches with a chair closer to the end of the room. And if you kept walking a strait you would find a hallway where one door separated  to the bathroom and another to the bedrooms. Sadly the roommates wouldn't really have much of privacy, they had to share a room, but lance wasn't really upset about it because he already knew and because he didn't like sleeping in a room alone. Lance wasn't scared of the dark oh no, he was scared of what could be in the dark that he didn't see.

It was all because of an incident that happened when he was younger. He didn't dare talk about the situation mainly because he would get judged by also because every time he re-tells it, to him it feels like he's re-living it. But even when he's forgotten part of it he remembers everything in the dark, he doesnt mind a light in the room and he doesn't mind a crack in the door but if someone isn't in the same room with him when he sleeps, it's a nightmare all over again.

Eventually lance walked into the room where he would hope to meet his roommate considering that they weren't in the kitchen or the living room, so even with nervous feet, he continued down the hallway and into the room where he saw Keith kogane sitting on one of the beds with an angered expression.

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