Chapter ~6~ understanding

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Ok so this is just me ranting
the story is down below just go past... until the marker says???

I watched season 8 and as far as I'm concerned it didn't fucking happen. I MEAN— MATT' S HAIR GOT MORE DEVELOPMENT THEN LANCE— IM SORRY I HATED HOW THEY DID LANCE AND ALLURA BOTH! Hhhhhhh season 8 did us motherfuckers dirty. Also—-allurancebecameendgamethenshefuckingdied
theycantevenhavearealshipinvld. I'm sorry I just really am mad about this ending of voltron. At least they left you with an open ending so you can imagine what you want but still!!!! HHHHH I loved the story the only thing I hated was that allura died. If she didn't fucking die- I would have been totally fine with everything! AT LEAST LANCE WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN MY SHARPSHOOTER! bUt nOo NOW HES A FUCKING FARMER!??? ExcUSe yOu VLD THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEIthS ENDING—

••Here's the story sorry••

It was 2:00am and lance wasn't looking so good. He was in the bathroom sniffling and trying to make the thoughts he had just disappear. And it's not that he believed them but they worried him more then anything.

Earlier that day around 5 o'clock lance was on his phone and many people kept messaging him many things that hurt him. These messages messed with him and he was trying to desperately not to cut himself over it. For him it was difficult being bullied on social media from 'old friends'. People he used to see as one of a kind...used that against him in a negative way.

Now there lance was sitting in the bathroom waiting for all of this to ride over. He hated looking weak so he did have the door shut with his mouth biting into his hand to keep quiet from waking Keith. 'God I wonder what Keith would think... how weak can I get'. Lance is sensitive. Very sensitive and it hurts him all the time to hear something like that, but it was 2 in the morning and no one was going to catch why not.

He stood up looking in the mirror. He smiled for a moment. He did love his smile. The only thing he actually liked about himself was his smile and a few other parts of him, but that was really it. He may act confident...but the only thing he feels confident in, is his dislike for himself. 'This will all blow over, they are just stupid kids'.He told himself.

He looked around in the small bathroom taking in every detail. He knew he was gonna have to get used to this so why not. Most of the time his roommates would be out of the dorm by now..but Keith didn't go anywhere, and if he did it was with Shiro and a few friends.

Lance didn't mind Keith being in the dorm practically all the time, hell he liked it, but there were some days he wished that Keith wouldn't be so antisocial. On nights like this was when he would wish; 'oh god please be going somewhere'. He would plead mentally. Other wise he loved Keith being here as surprising as it sounds.

Lance eventually realized that he stopped crying and was just looking around in the bathroom. 'Huh' he huffed. "I wonder how I stopped crying..?" He asked himself.

'Was it keith?' Maybe it was. We did Kiss earlier that day... just at the thought lance felt the blood rush to his face. His lips were so soft and sweet. The reminded me of roses, with the taste of candy. It made his heart flutter, just thinking about him. Lance smiled once again at the memory of them kissing.

Suddenly he heard footsteps walking to the bathroom. They were hesitant but still continuing. Lance was still looking in the mirror acting oblivious to the fact that Keith was up. And with one action there was a knock at the door. "Ah come in." Lance responded. Soon the crack of the door was heard, and lance looked over at the door to see a small, tired Keith.

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