Chapter ~10~ Pleasure

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THIS CHAPTER HAS SMUT!! If you don't wanna read it then skip it. I'll put a warning when it starts and when it ends. This chapter is also gonna be taken in no ones point of view UNTIL the smut so once that happens it'll be in KEITH'S point of view because,,,he's the bottom.


No ones POV:

Lance walked into the living room having no idea that Keith was creeping to their room "I'm gonna be taking a shower so don't come in there." Keith called out to lance as he began to settle down in his chair. (Yes lance has a certain spot in the living room he sits in.) soon enough lance heard the shower being turned on and the door shutting to that room. A little bit over ten minutes had passed and lance was becoming well... bored to say the least. By now, He would have messed with Keith and what not so it was pretty lonesome to say the least. Considering Keith, lance knew it would be about twenty more minutes before he got out, so lance decided to go to his room.

Sitting up from the brown chair that he had been sitting in comfortably, lance began to make his way towards the hallway that lead strait to Keith and his room. Wood softly creaked under each step lance made not being too annoying, and before lance had processed that he passed the bathroom he was in his room. Before his eyes he saw many decorations and what not but there was only one thing his eyes could focus on. His 'special' box. It was open with the lid laying next to it and when he got a closer look he saw one of the 'toys' were gone. It was his dildo.

Lance began to panic looking around his side of the room in search of it. Did he leave it out? But when he thinks about it, he doesn't even recall taking it out since before he and Keith started dating and he knows it wasn't there this morning. Suddenly a light bulb popped in his head. He didn't take it out oh no not lance. It was Keith that had taken it out. Lances face began to burn a bright crimson at thought of what Keith could be doing with Lances dildo. Pictures ran in and out of his mind, that were all but displeasing. 'So keith was messing with my dildo.' Lance thought to himself.

Okay it starts here technically*shrugs* I'll put warning signs when it gets to the real (???) stuff

A grin creeped onto Lances face at the thought of Keith pushing the dildo in and out of his ass. His cheeks and ears blossoming a dark red and Keith's mouth in an 'O' shape as it would go farther. Lances cock twitched at the thought of all these things happening in front of him, and it didn't help the fact that he could see Keith doing it with water spreading all over his body, making it even harder for lance to stand at the moment.

With all the strength lance had, he Began to walk towards the bathroom door placing his ear up against it. Soft whimpers were heard from the other side making Lances cock become harder. "God damnit Keith" lance panted quietly as his cock was growing harder just by the sounds of pleasure coming from the other side of the door. Lance had enough he turned the door knob and walked into the bathroom. "Hey Keith sorry I need to look for something." Lance said as calm as he could. The whimpers stopped almost immediately and honestly that only proved Lances point. Keith did indeed have his dildo.

"W-what are you looking for?" Keith called from the shower obviously sounding heated. "Oh just my skin care routine stuff, I usually put it on right about now." Lance lied but he knew Keith didn't know that so this wasn't something Keith couldn't listen to. Lance knew where it was. It was in the shower on the top shelf that Keith couldn't reach. If he wanted to get it, it would involve him going in the shower to reach it.

"Is it in the shower? Can you look for me?" Lance asked. Keith's breath hitched once he saw where it was and immediately was mad at himself. What was worse is that the dildo was still in his ass and he had to hold it there so it wouldn't slip out from all the lubricant he put. "Ah I umm.... yes it's uh- it's in here." Keith stammered. All lance could do was smile. "Okay do you mind if I step in to get it. Knowing you, you would have given it to me but it must be out of reach huh?" Lance teased.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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