chapter ~5~ secrets

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lance was shocked. No he was stunned. Lance never thought that KEITH KOGANE would like him. Especially how lance had treated him over the past few years. He suddenly felt a rush of anxiety almost flood him. He was reminded of how his father had hit him and gotten away with it for almost 5 years until his mom saw the bruises and marks. He didn't tell that to Keith though. He just couldn't .

"Wait really?! Were you ever gonna tell me?! How long have you liked me?!" lance had so many questions not worrying about his anxiety. He wanted to know every thing and as much as he could. Keith kogane liked him and he wanted to make sure it wasn't a joke he wanted to make sure that Keith wasn't just saying that because he felt bad.

"I started liking you when we first met if im gonna be honest. But you started that rival shit so i kinda decided to ignore my feelings for the longest time. Hell I wasnt really planing on telling you, i  thought that my feelings for you would kinda just fade away after school.¨ lance couldnt believe his ears.

"Keith you were... never gonna tell me!? I get why and all but then there's like that possible, wElL mAybE hEs dOinG thIs bEcAUse hE dOEsnt knOw hOw tO coOpErAtE wIth hIs fEelInGs?, thing! Look Keith I love you and I have for the longest time."

"So... you like me?" Keith responded. And damn lance was about to kiss him right then and there. Keith's face was almost as red as his jacket, and he was messing with his hands and the way he was sitting? MY GOD lance could see him fucking him right there.

But lance kept his thoughts to himself. He knew Keith wouldn't be ok with losing his virginity to lance yet... and lance wasn't ok with losing his to Keith yet.
"Yes Keith, I like you!"
And before Keith could respond, lance got up and smashed their lips together. And in one motion Keith was laying on the couch, with lance above him while they were kissing with nothing but pure love.

After a few moments lance pulled away, both panting for air, and missing the contact. Keith went up to lance and gave him a quick peck on the lips and pushed lance off of him making lance fall on his ass.

"h-hey!" BANG! "Owwwe! Why did you do that?!" Keith giggled at Lances behavior and began to walk towards the room purposing swaying his hips more then normal just to show what he had.
With that Keith turned around to see lance standing and looking down at the tent in his pants. Lance then slowly looked up at Keith, hesitating for a moment, and once they made eye contact he averted his entire gaze.

"I-I'm just gonna h-handle this!" Lance stuttered. And ran into the bathroom.

Hi there is some smut right about here so.... haha haha enjoy

Lance ran into the bathroom and shut the door with a quick lock, he didn't really care if Keith was in the house and knew he just needed to get rid of it before it started hurting.

Lance dropped his pants secretly hoping that Keith would walk in. So he unlocked the door as quietly as possible and slipped his pants off from his ankles. So there lance was, standing in the bathroom with a big shirt and boxers and boy did he feel sexy.

Eventually lance had enough of letting it be there so he slid his hand down into his boxers and started lightly rubbing first, then began to speed up the pace a little. "Ahh~" lance mewled. Now he was leaning up against the wall for support to stand, still jerking off. Suddenly the door opened, And Keith walked in.

"Ah! K-Keith wh- WhAt are you d-doing~!"
Lance immediately let go of his dick trying to hide it. he told Keith he'd be in here handling his problem!
"Lance I- I'm sorry....I'll go if you want me too~" Keith suddenly had a seductive voice intriguing lance. Lance dropped his hands from hiding his dick, he wasn't ashamed.
"Tell me if you want me to go lance~"
And with that Keith was on his knees in front of Lances dick. "Ah Keith look as much as I want this I don't think we should do it now... I mean we just started dating..." Keith took that sentence and processed it. He then stood up and looked at lance face to face.
"Ok lance I'll go." With that Keith gave lance a quick peck on the lips and walked out leaving lance with a bigger boner then before.
"Great!" Lance huffed soon handling his problem.

Ok this is the end of that awkward smut😁

After lance left the bathroom he needed to go to his room and get his school supplies ready for the next day, unfortunately he had a lot of physics tomorrow and he didn't feel like dealing with physics at the moment.

"Hey Keith have you seen my physics book?" Keith and lance kinda shared what they had. Neither of them minded it so I kinda just became a thing.

"No I haven't seen it actually I thought you had it, I gave it back a few days ago." And with a sudden remembrance, lance remembered where he left it.
"Oh shit! One of my friends have it!"  Lance panicked and began to text his friend pidge to see if they had it or not.

"Do you need an extra copy? The classrooms normally have extras." Keith called. He was in the kitchen making himself something to eat since he nor lance had any money.

"Oh right thank you keith." Lance seemed a little less panicked and stressed.
"I probably would have passed out if you didn't tell me that, my friend, pidge is taking a week break out of town because of a 'family emergency' I don't mind but damn they legit took the book with them forgetting they even had it."

Keith snickered at lance, he stresses over nothing and it's beautiful. He was honestly happy that lance had finally confessed to him... he was worried it would never happen especially since that girl named allura showed up about two weeks ago. He huffed a little bit at the thought of her.

It's not that he disliked her but she just was always around lance in class. She never gave me and lance alone time, and she never gave him a break to be with himself. And it pisses Keith off the most. For example, lance was having a really bad day.

The teacher had been a total asshole to him when he didn't do anything but he still was blamed. And it didn't make his day any better. So lance was in chemistry next to me in class and he had his head down and told me that he didn't feel like talking much today. And i of course understood. Allura however could not take a hint.

"Laaaance~" she would not stop bugging him and when I'd tell her that he didn't feel like talking to anyone she just looked at me and said "oh he always loves talking to me!" IT kinda made me laugh but I suppressed it and let her do her own thing.

Eventually lance snapped at her telling her off right then saying he didn't feel like talking and she got that message really quick and sat down. He looked at me and said "sorry that happened she's stubborn to people that she doesn't really know" I looked at him and smiled and said "it's ok" then she came back after class pestering him and he just kept quiet.

Eventually I gave her the most deathly glare I could and she took that as an invitation to leave and she accepted it.

It's not that Keith doesn't like allura she's funny and jumpy with a whole lot of energy, but she just won't leave lance alone and Keith is going to put a stop to it tomorrow.

HEY GUYS!!! Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been working on one of my friends accounts for her (I still am) and I complete forgot about the fact that I needed to be updating as well. Ooof😅bUt anyway
I won't be updating as often as I want
It's mainly because of my friend and until she can get a new phone... I kinda can't really do anything about it. I will try updating though as much as possible and hope you guys understand. Oh and about allura in this... let's just say... your gonna start disliking her a little bit in this book.

Word count: 1480

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