Chapter ~8~ strength

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This chapter is gonna switch back and forth between P.O.V. And what not so I'll let you know when the POV changes *shrugs*

Keith's POV

After lance said his last goodbye they both parted and sat down in there seats in the classroom. Sadly first period they weren't close together on the seating chart but they both knew that it was alright. Tons of kids were already in the class some listening to music, some on their phones, while others were already in there desks.

I gazed across the classroom among many teenagers that I either didn't know or didn't like. There were only 4 people in this classroom that I would even consider talking to, and two of them weren't here today. After getting my final looks at everyone I walked past each desk and went to the one that was mine.

My eyes watched my own feet as I walked towards my seat. Keeping my head down, and being careful not to bump into anyone. I didn't like a lot of kids in this class so I didn't really feel like apologizing if I did bump into them.
Eventually, I found my way to the row all the way to the left of the door, and next to a window and sat down in the 4th seat of 6 in each row. It was far away from where the kids I didn't like so it was good for me.

Getting settled into my spot with all the needed items for that class period, I looked back to see my friend hunk, and my boyfriend lance, engaging in a conversation before the class would start. Obviously lance was filling hunk in because after lance gave a grin over to Keith, hunk looked and gasped with confusion and joy. It was a sight to see that I wouldn't forget.

Soon enough it was becoming that time when the bell was about to ring and just as the bell rung the kids sat down, and the teacher walked in.

"Alright, class. Today we're doing a partner activity!" The art ELA teacher cheered with joy and clapped their hands together with excitement. Everyone already knew that the ELA teacher was energetic so they kind of just prepared themselves for things like that.

"I will be allowing you to pick your partners to see how well you all do with them, if you do good and do all your work, with the exception of a few, then you will be able to continue to pick your partner for the rest of the year." She took a deep breathe and smiled out to the students in her class.

I looked over at lance to see him have a grin plastered on his face. I already knew that look. He was gonna pick someone he could annoy, and if not them then someone that will do work.

I chuckled quietly to myself as I saw hunk giving him a horrified expression. Had he never seen that look on Lances face? A small smile crept its way onto my face as I saw lance raise his hand. Oh god what is he gonna ask?

"Mrs. Williams?" Lance called. With a smirk on his face. He had a stupid question coming up I knew it.
"Ah yes lance?" The teacher answered with a warm smile.
"How many people can we have as a partner?"
Ok so not a stupid question. Im surprised. I smiled to myself wondering how the teacher is gonna respond to lance.
He's the type of guy, in this class, to get in trouble if he's with the wrong people.

"Good question lance, you all may have up to two partners meaning a group of three. Understand?" Mrs. Williams replied calmly. It seemed as if she wasn't worried in the slightest "Lance I already picked your partners anyways." She added making his jaw drop.

"Wha- why?" Lance seemed pretty bothered. I would be too, but he wouldn't have gotten any work done with anyone if he had picked. Poor lance.

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