Chapter 1- Getaway

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This early Sunday morning something was calling me to take a walk down to the beach...So I decided to walk barefoot in the fresh sand from the previous cool night and feel all the beneficial sides of walking on dry sand which makes the joints work flexibly and solicits the many small bones of the foot and ankles. It is also said to be very good for people who suffer from rheumatism and it makes my hollow feet happy. I had this deformity since I started professional dance classes.  I smile every morning and tell myself that what makes you different makes you stronger mostly when you are using it as an artistic instrument.
The movement of the small waves that break at mid-calves at high tide are always so welcoming and in such a perfect harmony with the rising of the sun. It never stops to move me. I've always been in such a awe about their intimate natural interaction.
I learned a few years back from my dear grand -mother on my mother's side that this maritime routine was very popular in the 1900s. It aims to bring a person to discover and develop its physical and psychic potential. Walking in the water is indeed an excellent regulator of emotional, nervous and physical tension. Just what I needed after this awful past semester.
That's also one of the reasons that helped me jump on this great opportunity and come baby-sit my great aunt's beach house for a month since she was away for work.
I followed the natural path with bamboo sticks on each side and finally arrived in the water. I walked half a mile until I reached the rocky way to the old lighthouse. I climbed the natural stairs and headed to the edge of the jetty.
My Yoga routine always helps me a great deal to feel better physically and mentally. I use it to clear my mind and vision for the day so I can remember more easily all the moves from any ballet preparations or rehearsals I have to go through.

Here's a sample:Sukhasana (Easy Pose)BreatheMarjaryasana & Bitilasana  (Cat & Cow Pose) BreatheAdho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose)BreatheVinyasa Flow (Any other Pose)BreatheBalasana (Child's Pose)Breathe Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)BreatheVrksasana ...

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Here's a sample:
Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
Marjaryasana & Bitilasana  (Cat & Cow Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose)
Vinyasa Flow (Any other Pose)
Balasana (Child's Pose)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

I always take a few more minutes and lay in the sun right after I'm done. It helps me thank Mother Nature around me. I also enjoy taking my sweet time to gather myself and finally start my day.

As I was still scrutinizing the horizon, when I suddenly heard an engine in the background. How could someone dare to bring anything on wheels around this calm and serene area? My eyes rolled along with my whole upper body as I turned around and tried to search for the actual vehicle. I heard someone slamming a car door, the noise of keys and light foot steps trying to walk in the sand.
I' d have sworn this person saw the "Private Property" sign at the other end of the road which also lead to the village.  As I was looking amusingly at this man, quite small in stature walking towards me, I could notice he was clearly not dressed in accordance with his environment...He was wearing a pair of black fluid pants combined with a button-down long sleeved black shirt matching a shinning reptile-skin-like fit vest. He was also wearing a silver curb chain on both hands, a silver chain and very peculiar silver ring and earrings.

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