Chapter 2 - What's in that little box?

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He was gone...

I stood there dumbfounded from this brief talk with this man name!

How in the world were we going to meet again? I don't remember giving him my phone number...Or did I? He knows my first name now but he will not be able to find me in the phone book since I' m not even from around here ...He doesn't even know where I stay...There are so many different beach houses around here... I know he didn't look anything like a seer...or was he?
Gosh!!! All this was very disturbing and I was really starting to get dizzy...Even more that I just remembered I didn't have any proper breakfast since I woke up.
I walked back slowly, still in a blur, to my aunty's beach house trying to rewind everything that happened within the last hour.

I felt like cooking blueberry pancakes for a change, since it was Sunday and I still had some free time before the 11:30 am service at St Theresa's church

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I felt like cooking blueberry pancakes for a change, since it was Sunday and I still had some free time before the 11:30 am service at St Theresa's church. I also almost forgot about that mysterious little box with purple ribbons I meticulously left on the coffee table.

After I finished cleaning the dishes, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put on my immaculate white ensemble, spritzed some of my very favorite «Aqua Allegoria Pamplelune by Guerlain » on it and also on the best pulse points a woman can have.

Note to Self:
Every woman should learn how to Smell to Impress!

Note to Self: Every woman should learn how to Smell to Impress!

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Lesson N°1: Fragrances are instruments of attraction.
Lesson N°2: Anywhere you want to draw attention to, you should lightly spritz.

Thanks to my dear aunt who have been working as a top model for more than 30 years and now who is a scent designer for an international perfume company, I know approximately everything about diets, clothes and perfumes.

I finally sat at the coffee table and looked at this little white box so neatly closed with huge purple ribbons. I turned the box around and then held it with both hands. Suddenly, my nose picked up the similar musk scent I did while following that man...with no name on the beach.

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