Chapter 17- Precious Souls

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- " Come on in..." Nicole said in her soft sing-song voice.
I smiled as he appeared in slow motion from behind the door. He had a timid smile on his face. He was wearing my white and gold kimono. He closed the door behind him and turned around to look at us with a confused look.
- "Were you just talking about me behind my back?" He quizzed us raising an eye brow.
-" Yes, Carla was telling me how much she appreciates you and apparently the feeling is mutual. Coffee?" She broke the ice, rose on her feet and got an extra mug to serve him some of her favorite beverage.
I genuinely blushed. He smirked and slid on the kitchen bench beside me. He quickly kissed my cheek and smiled broadly at Auntie Nookie while she was handing him his mug.
-"Thank you, I really appreciate this warm morning greeting. "
-" You're so welcome. I see we haven't been introduced yet. I'm Nicole Stevenson, Carla's aunt on her mother's side.  She held her hand ceremoniously.
- " The pleasure is all mine, Ma'am. Nice to finally meet you. Carla always speaks so highly of you." He softly took her hand and kissed it.
It was Nicole's turn to blush and she gave me a look letting me know he had just made it in her good books. How could he not?
-"I hope we didn't woke you up last night. We tried to keep it as quiet as we could but you know how it is..." He squeezed my right thigh lasciviously and sipped his coffee with a fake innocent look.
-" I literally crashed the all time. I was so exhausted from the jet lag. " I knew Nicole was lying through her teeth because she briefly winked at me and busied herself taking the plates out of the cupboard.
-" Would you like some bred, white or whole wheat?Any Eggs? Scrambled or sunny side up? " I asked him while I decided to join and help Nicole who was placing butter, honey and jelly on the table.
- "Baby, you know my favorites, don't you? " He unfolded his napkin and gracefully put it on his lap.
I shook my head with a grin and went for the best. Nicole kept him entertained.
-" So how do you like this part of the States? Are you on vacation?"
-" I love it, pretty relaxing! Actually, I've never considered myself being on vacation per say. My mind is always running and working has been my life saver." He lifted his chin and lightly rubbed his nose.
- " Oh, OK. So, how long will you be staying here? Are you renting or do you have your own place?  My aunt was getting a little too cozy .
-" I am renting, but I own other leisure properties in a couple of other sunny spots around the world." He cleared his throat and looked at me for reassurance.
I gently caressed his cheek and handed him his plate. I gave my aunt a dirty look and patted gently on his thigh once I settled myself back on the bench.
-"I didn't mean to be nosy, Precious. Sorry, Er..., it was not my attention." Auntie Nookie apologized with a shrug.
-" No worries, I've just been avoiding interviews for years now and keeping my life as private as possible is one of my top priority. " He informed Nicole and started to dig in his plate.
There was a few minutes of awkward silence but I knew, as free as my auntie was, she wasn't the kind to get cow down easily.
-" OK, so what are you guys up to today?"
-« Well, I guess I need to pack... » I looked at Auntie Nookie with sparkling eyes.
-« Pack? Are you leaving me already? I just got here! » Nicole asked with puppy eyes.
-« Oh No, I'm just kidnapping Carla for a little trip. » He replied before I could and held my hand.
-« Yes, we will be back in a few days. » I smiled and nod approvingly.
-« May I ask where you are taking her? » Nicole started to sound a little worried.
- « Oh yes! I am going to show her where I live. We will spend some days in Paisley Park. Chanhassen, Minnesota. This place is what I call home. » He said proudly.

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