Chapter 6 - Tails in the hospital

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Sonics pov

I couldn't get those images out of my head now... the dead bodies I saw...the ones I killed... they're we're all me... I couldn't believe my eyes when I see them get slaughtered... me and T.K. we're waiting for Manic. I was so scared I might hurt everybody. T.K. then said to me, Sonic...bro...listen...when I was three Manic told me about it...I didn't say anything because I didn't want to...I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to protect my big brother... I said softly, T.K.... things became calm as T.K. kept me company but unfortunately that's when things got worse for me. I saw Tails walking when he sees me he said, well well...I thought I find you here... he started to walk to me. But about 7 steps later T.K. stepped in front of me and yelled, YOU GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!!! Tails was confused and said, what?...wait you got the wrong idea... T.K. Stopped right in front of him and yelled, JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!...GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!!! Tails then slapped my brother and said in anger, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!...THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!! T.K. said, well leave my brother alone...he did everything for you and you all just treat him like trash... that's when Tails pushed him and I thought about Yuri again... then I screamed as Tails walked to me, IIIDDIIIOOTTT HHHEEEE WWWAAASSS TTTRRYYYIIINNNGG TTTOOO WWWAAARRRRNN YYYYOOOOOOUUUUU!!! Then it happened Tails flew back with a force as one of his tails was sliced by a sign nearby... I gasped in horror seeing him on the ground. I started to cry as T.K. Called an ambulance. Manic came out to see what was going on. I can hear him say, oh man not again...*he hugs me and calms me down once again*'s was an didn't mean's okay... an ambulance arrived 15 minutes later and I was relieved he was alive but I felt so scared still.

<a short while later>

Tails pov

Oh man...that hurt...I woke up in a hospital...I didn't know what happened one moment I was trying to apologize to Sonic because Knuckles wanted us to be friends with him...the next thing I knew was I'm in the hospital with....ONE TAIL?! That's when the boy (that light blue hedgehog with the bright green highlights on his spikes and quills with the same eyes as Sonic) I saw earlier came in and said, are you okay? I asked him, why won't you let me be near Sonic? That's when he said, well...he...has some mental breakdowns...that are hard to explain he can't be near anyone but me and Manic by the moment. I was confused but I believed him...I recalled Sonic was a be honest...I felt so bad about what I did to him...I thought for a fact that we should be friends...recently Knuckles felt bad first....but I only felt a little bad half of me wanted to tease him like always with the others but the other half wanted me to apologize to him...and be friends with him...I never should've been so mean to him and never should've using him...I was selfish...with everyone...we are all selfish..why?... then I snapped out of my guilt and see the kid still standing... I asked him, wait a minute...who are you anyway?... he responded, I am Sonic the Hedgehogs younger brother T.K. the Hedgehog. I was shocked this kid is Sonics younger brother...I couldn't believe my eyes. That's then T.K. said, and if your wondering who Manic is...that's mine and Sonics older brother... I asked him in guilt, we didn't...cause him to have a break down...did we? T.K. replied, part of it a little but no Sonics been traumatized since the incident with one of his childhood friends. I said in shock and concern, oh...I heard about that...must've been painful when... I trailed off as I imagined how painful it was when my love life died in front of my eyes. T.K. Said in concern, yeah...he was there...he saw Yuri get run over but it was too late for him to shout to her...the doctor said the driver who killed her suffered a trauma after he slipped when he was about to walk to him....Yuri was carefree and energetic but considerate of others... I felt guilty as I said, I see...maybe we should've comforted him instead of... T.K. cut me off as he said, it wasn't your fault you all didn't know...I gotta go my brothers are's nice talking to you Mister Prower. I said as I gave him a smile, thanks but please call me Tails. T.K. nodded and ran off... I gotta admit he and his brothers actually good guys...I laid down as I looked out the window.

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