Chapter 16 - what I know/hopefully ready

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Sonics pov

Here is what I Know....

My life hasn't been the same since those incidents and Yuris death... since my powers came back...I murdered, mangled, slaughtered, and butchered...
so many lives were taken away because of me...nobody knew it was me who caused them to heart became unsettled, broken, depressed, and sad... Shadow was nothing more than a bully trying to mock me... the Babylon rogues as well but... they deserved to die but not by my hands or powers... Amy...she did nothing but used me... I know for a fact...she was pretending to be good to me...I felt like an idiot when I yelled at her...and murdered her...though it did look like and accident.. a suicide to be exact... but when my brothers are in danger...I had to save him but there was a chance I may end up hurting them too... my so-called friends are afraid of me... but one stood out and reached out for me.... came through for me...and actually...helped me control my powers. He is my best friend...he's more than that...he's also... Knuckles... he actually cared... I had no idea...not about that...he felt guilty for what he did to me with the others... when I fainted he was there for me... when I needed him.. I hope that one day as I began to control my powers that I can be hopefully ready to face the G.U.N. Soldiers and rescue my brothers.... and who knows...maybe if I'm not nervous...I'll confess my feelings to my Knuckles the echidna.


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