Chapter 13 - trust/Silver

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Sonics pov

Knuckles explained to me that he should teach me how to control my powers...but not alone...he said that Silver help me as well so we went to him... but a part of me doesn't wanna trust him but the other...wanted him...I just couldn't for the most part I just feel afraid of him or him getting hurt...I thought he was just gonna kill me by getting revenge for what I've done...but instead....he was actually trying to help but I still couldn't trust him... Knuckles turn to me and said, listen...I know you don't trust me but...listen we'll find a way to control them...and I promise we'll find a way to help your brothers... I was starting to cry again but I shook them off... I couldn't even take another step towards anything but I can feel his hand on mine trying to guide where we should be...though my legs are...shaky....I just couldn't help it...I with him... then we arrived at Silvers house... we see Silver seeing me with that glare of his before I looked away. but then two G.U.N. Soldiers appeared and grabbed Knuckles I was in horror as I saw them my eyes widened and shaken... I screamed, LET HIM GO!! The G.U.N. Soldiers just glared at me as Knuckles struggled. They were about to shoot him but I screamed, NO!!!... I accidentally shot a fireball that them when I was trying to stop them by telling them to Holt. But I didn't mean that... the G.U.N. Soldiers just burned alive as Knuckles broke out of ones grasped as I held myself once again. Knuckles touched my shoulders and said, Sonic... I interrupted, I'm sorry...I...I did it again... Knuckles interrupted, no Sonic that was an accident you were only trying to stop them... as I can feel Knuckles hands on my shoulders shaking I heard Silvers voice said in a shocked yet fearing tone, cannot be... we turn to see him tremble and looking like he saw a ghost. I said, what like you don't...*I trailed off as I recalled what he said* wait...what did you just say? He replied,'s impossible... I asked, what do you mean impossible? Silver said, y..your powers...I don't understand...I have them?...I tho... Knuckles interrupted, there's no time for this Silver.. Silver asked, what's going on then huh? Knuckles explained, Sonic told me he has powers that he couldn't understand and his brothers have been taken by G.U.N. but the problem is...Sonic doesn't know how to control them... Silver said in a concern, I why come to me anyway? I said, I haft to learn how to control my powers or I might hurt other people. Silver said, like I wanna help killed a few of the villains you faced everyday, you cause the Babylon rogues to have a grave accident, you murdered Shadow, you nearly killed Tails, you send Amy to her grave...your a cold blooded murderer... I gasped as I fell into tears. But as I was crying I heard what sounded like a slap on the face...I looked to see Knuckles growling at Silver who was shocked... I said softly, ...Knuckles? That's when he shouted, HE DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL THEM SILVER!!!...he never wanted to hurt anyone those were all an accident... Silver said, why?...why are you taking his side?...he did it on purpose...a... Knuckles slapped him again as he said, he didn't...he never meant to hurt anyone...besides he didn't do it because he wanted to he only did it because he was scared...I told you he doesn't know how to control them...and if we haven't been so mean to him he wouldn't be like this...we not only did this to him...but his friend died...right in front of him...if you can't help us then I will help him not just to control his powers but to save his brothers... I was shocked seeing that Knuckles...really cares...I kinda knew he was trusted but could he really?... then my head started to hurt more as I collapsed into Knuckles arms. Knuckles asked, are you alright? I looked at him slowly but that's when my heart suddenly began to beat...I felt myself blushing as I saw his eyes before Knuckles picked me up as I was blacking out.

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