Chapter ten

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3 months later

It's been 3 months since Jonah and I started dating. Daniel and I are still very close. Jonah has been seeming distant here lately. He wouldn't answer his phone whenever I called, but an hour later decides to text and say he's coming home. I moved into the bands house and shared a room with Jonah. No, we haven't did anything because I'm waiting till marriage.

I laid in bed at midnight waiting for Jonah to get home. The boys are all at the studio. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and texted him.

Mia✨🥀: when are you going to be home? It's midnight

20 minutes later and he still hasn't texted back so I called, multiple times. No answer, so I blew his phone up.

Mia✨🥀: Jonah it's almost 1 am, seriously answer your phone I'm worried.

Mia✨🥀: answer please

Mia✨🥀: Jonah please

By 2 am I began to freak out and I couldn't sleep. None of the boys would answer their phone, then finally I heard the front door shut. I got out of bed, in my white crop top and light pink shorts, and ran downstairs.

"Finally y'all are home" I said. I ran up to Jonah and wrapped my arms around him. Lately we haven't been able to spend time together since he's been working late. "Whoa,babe" he slowly pushed me away with his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired" he said then walked upstairs to our bedroom.

"It's been a really long night, Mi" Jack said.

"Ok well goodnight everyone" I said and hugged Dani.

I walked upstairs and Jonah was in the shower. I laid in bed and soon fell asleep.


I woke up early the next morning from a nightmare around 7 am and sat up in bed. Next to me, Jonah was asleep. His dark hair in his face and his right arm threw above his head, the other on his chest. I got up and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Once I was out the shower I noticed Jonah's phone on the edge of the counter. Weird he must've left it in here last night.

I walked up to the door and made sure it was locked and put the toilet seat down and grabbed his phone. I entered his passcode and went to his texts.

Lea💕: hey baby wyd

Jonah: at the studio with the boys

Lea💕: when are you gonna come over?

Jonah: I can't today sweetheart maybe tomorrow I'm sorry

Lea💕: it's fine I love you

Jonah: I love you too

Tears were in my eyes. How could he?!? I sat there on the toilet for a couple seconds trying to take all this in. He freaking cheated on me! I got up and threw his phone on the counter and walked into our-well his now, bedroom. I grabbed a duffle bag and started throwing clothes in it. Jonah started moving in his sleep but I didn't pay it any attention. I walked back to the closet and grabbed a couple pieces of clothing and threw them in a bag.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He sat up in bed and wiped his eyes.

"Don't call me that"

"Call you wh-"

"Shut up! What do you think I'm just some slut you can use? I checked your freaking phone! You probably have more than just me and Lea!" I stopped and yelled.

"Have a great ducking life" I said and slipped on some shoes and stormed downstairs with Jonah following.

"Who's Lea?"

"Oh don't play games with me! Your nothing but a cheater! Your famous so you think you can get any girl you want and then use them?!?" By now all the boys were downstairs listening to us argue.

"I'm leaving" I said and turned the door knob. I heard someone following me but kept walking to my car.

"Mia, he cheated on you?" My best friends voice spoke running after me.

I turned around and looked at him. I dropped my duffle bag and ran to him. I started crying in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh, he's stupid for doing that"


I was staying at Audrey's for a little while. We were currently in her room on her bed, watching movies.

"Hey, Kyle is throwing a party tonight. Wanna go?" Audrey asked, chewing on a candy bar.

"Sure, what time does it start?" I asked her.


Kyle was a high school friend of ours, he was very handsome and a really nice person to be around. He was also pretty popular back in school and also the quarterback to our football team.

Seven rolled around and I had on (media slot) Audrey had done my makeup and I had my hair in long curls.

When we arrived at the party there were people everywhere, from high school and people I haven't ever seen or met before.

We ran into Kyle and he welcomed us and showed us the bar. "Wanna drink?" Audrey asked. Underage drinking.


"Come on, Mi, live a little"

"Uh, fine" I gave in.


A/N: welp here ya go. Jonah cheated, what do y'all think? Now should Daniel and Mia get together or should I make Mia meet someone else and cause more drama? What do y'all want? Also we're going on a small vacation this weekend and I won't update for 2-3 days.

My best friend •Daniel Seavey• ✔Where stories live. Discover now