Chapter 9: The Lost Monsters Part 1

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Five days later in the early morning, another rescue mission is approaching. Vicky practiced her shapeshifting to become other people. Because she is a kitsune, she has to learn the ways and understand the history. Vicky made a gothic/punk inspired kimono, with short skirt and it's black and dark orange, two days ago and she wears it for the rescue mission.

Dark purchased a bigger van, because Anti noted that the documents he downloaded has more monsters that doesn't have any effect from the cruel treatments. Like Chelsea, Vicky, Siouxsie and Axel been through.

Anti raised his voice to gather the others. 'Guys! Grab your weapons and head to the van!' They nod and ran quickly to their rooms.

As the other ran, Anti turn to Dark and sighed, 'I hope we change the world, Dark. For our people.' Dark nods and the others ran back downstairs with their weapons. 'Right. Let's get outside and see our new van.' Dark raised his arm to the door, open it and it's a black family van with room for fourteen passengers and a driver. It's like a limo, but it's a BIG van.

Everyone's jaws dropped and gasped to surprise. They love the van. They hop in and they love the interior. Axel was the last one in and shut the sliding door. Dark got into the driver's seat and said, 'Buckle up, people. It's time to rescue more monsters who needs our help.' Everyone but their seatbelt on, Dark start the engine and they took off.

Siouxsie looks around and saw Vicky with her fox ears twitching. She felt her emotions that Vicky is focused on her powers and her samurai skill. But Siouxsie saw her as an incomplete form. Siouxsie hasn't fully transformed into her Demon Sorcerer form. She looks like a human, but she'll get there when the time is right.

She read about that kind of stuff once, back at Holy Oak. Many monsters became their true forms when they grow up from the age of five as they slowly process into they turned sixteen or later on into adulthood. Some monsters have a little bit of it or none until they suddenly transform at any time. It's pretty rare for that to happen.    

'Where are we heading, Anti?' Chelsea asked him. He quickly replied, 'Harmony Heights Psychiatric Institution. Only sixty miles. It's a long drive.'

Chelsea nods, turn her head to Ewan and asked him about what happened before he stayed at Raspy Hill. He puffed a deep sigh and answered. 'I was on the run from the government. They have wanted list of us needed to be "cured" and make an example to Strangers that we are unfriendly. Then, Anti and Dark showed up, took me in and I'm here with them, Axel and Spencer.'

Chelsea nods of acknowledgement and Spencer stepped up. 'I was on the run as well. Dark saw me in a street as I was weak and rescued me. I owe my life to him to return the favour. But I don't know how.'

She smiled and suggested, 'Whenever Dark has injured or any trouble he's struggling with, jump in and do anything to help. It doesn't matter if you know what you're doing or not, it's being there that counts.' Spencer lighten his mood and thanked her. 

Three hours later, they arrived at Harmony Heights not far from the gate by the woods. Anti signalled the group to get out of the van. They did as they're told and quietly sneak by the big tree, ten feet away from the gate. Dark whispered the instruction to each one.

'Okay. Vicky, you distract the guards with your shapeshifting while we sneakily go through the gate and other security. Spencer, use your electric power to cut of the security barriers and CCTV, and Anti will help you made everything look normal. Axel, carry many people with your werewolf form as much as you can. Anti, continue looking for fit monsters to get out. Ewan, kill anyone that gonna kill you or us with your glaive. You too, Vicky. After you fool and kill them, hurry run back to us. Siouxsie and Chelsea, stay with me and Anti, and help the fit monsters to the van as fast as possible. Got it, everyone?'

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