Chapter one

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Beautiful sinner - Nicki Minaj

Aiden woke up to the bright rays of sun almost blinding him. He blinked away and rolled to his side slowly opening his eyes.

He frowned at his surrounding, after few seconds he remembered what had taken place the day before. He really needed to talk to his mum he thought. He was still drifted in his thoughts when the ringtone of his phone broke him out of his reverie. He picked it without looking at the caller ID.

"Aiden Carter speaking", he said sitting up and resting his head on the headboard.

"oh cut that crap! ". The voice of his angry mum vanished every signs of sleepiness from him.

"good morning mum"

"why didn't you call me when you arrived I thought you were dead", he chuckled at her. She really was worried.


"I was about to come there myself and search. God knows that if I were there I would have spanked you hard". He choked on his saliva at his mum's words.

"am fine mum. I was tired when I got here all thanks to you and had to go to bed early. I just woke up"

"of course", she replied sarcastically.

"got to go mum, will call you later". Without waiting for her response, he hung up and checked the time. It was 11:30 am, that was a record breaker. He smiled unconsciously and went to the bathroom.

He dressed up really fast as he was in dire need for coffee. He wasted no time in renting a car and went in search of a good coffee shop.


Customers were unusually few at Ronnie's coffee shop today. Normally it was filled with customers weekend or not.

22 year old Nichole had her head on the reception table totally bored out of her mind. It was weekend which meant no school, although she was happy she couldn't help but wish she had a day off.

Having being in the coffee shop since 6 am, she was totally losing her mind. She thought of her parents and wished they were still alive, at least they would have found her a better job.

She looked around the coffee shop and saw that there were no customers, as she stood up to take a nap in one of the rooms the bell rung indicating the presence of a new customer.

Sighing loudly she turned back only to be frozen as she came face to face with a gorgeous looking man.
Damn was he hot. She didn't know she was staring at him and almost drooling until he spoke.

"sweetheart, I know am gorgeous and all, but didn't your parents teach you not to stare", he said. She suddenly broke off eye contact, her cheeks red.

"I... I. "

"so you talk?". That brought back her senses, she couldn't believe that a man could actually make her feel uncomfortable and at the same time feel butterflies in her stomach.

Impatient Aiden knocked on her head obviously pissed at the girl, when he saw the scowl on her face he smirked.

"sweetheart you are drooling", he said chuckling softly.

Nichole knew he was arrogant and cocky as he kept a smug smile on his face. Damn those beautiful looks she thought.

"thanks captain obvious", she said sarcastically.

That surprised Aiden, no woman expect from his family spoke to him that way not even the models and celebrities he dated. Hiding his shocked face, he cleared his throat using the voice he used in the office he spoke.

"Get me a black coffee with half spoon of sugar"

"OK but say please"

That made him angry. He only said please to his family.

"am not supposed to say please to you. It's your duty so do as I say", he shouted. Surprisingly it didn't affect Nichole instead she ignored him as she played Temple Run in her phone.

Rubbing his nose furiously, he banged on the table getting no response. Then he rang the bell several times until a woman in her mid fifties appeared.

"Nichole, what's going on here", the woman asked.

"it's nothing Mrs Anderson, just some lunatic who thinks that this place is his home but don't worry I got it covered". Aiden was glaring at her and probably throwing daggers with his eyes but she wasn't moved.

Luckily the lady, Mrs Anderson saw him and apologized on Nichole's behalf.

"am sorry dear, Nicki is usually not like that, she must be so tired".

"it's okay ma'am".

"so what can I get you and forgive me please take a seat"

"it's okay, can I get a cup of black coffee, add half spoon of sugar to it please? "

"okay dear", Mrs Anderson said smiling at him sweetly.

"thanks". And the woman left then he turned his head towards Nichole only to find her staring at him with her mouth and eyes wide open.

Nichole couldn't believe that the arrogant and rude jerk was saying please and thank you. She was still staring wide eyed when she felt sprinkles of water on her face.

"Mrs Anderson", she whined like a spoilt brat.

"shush, how can you be so rude to our customer?"

"he was rude to me first", she said pointing at Aiden who was on the phone.

"that boy is a sweet boy. You my dear Nicki are going to make his coffee, take it to him and apologize.

"WHAT!! , Nichole screamed, there was no way in hell she was going to do that.

"either you do that or you don't talk to me". Nichole knew she had lost the battle, the woman knew how to get whatever she wanted. Nichole knew that there was no way she was going to convince her so she agreed and went to make the coffee grumbling under her breath.

That guy was so gonna pay


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