Chapter four

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Nichole had just finished her lectures when her friends dragged her by both hands out of the school to the parking lot. She grumbled all the way under her breath about how they were been excited to see the arrogant man as she called him.

One of her friends, Liza had a car luckily for them. It was a birthday gift from her parents.

While Liza got to the driver's seat, Brit dragged Nichole to the back seat and sat in the passenger's seat then they drove off to the coffee shop while Nichole groaned and cursed at her friends who ignore her.

After Liza parked the car, Nichole dragged her two friends back who were already making their way to the coffee shop.

"look guys, why are you so excited to see a stranger,  a narcissist prince for that matter"

Brit slapped her arm so hard that she yelped in pain.

"you told us that he was hot and here you are calling him a narcissist prince", Brit said

"if you don't remember I also said that he was so full of himself and rude"

"well, we can't judge a book by its cover, we have to meet him and if he is by any way rude to us, we will let him have a taste of his own medicine", Liza said this time to which Brit nodded her head.

"OK,  but you have to come in two minutes after I've entered", Liza and Brit rolled their eyes at her and agreed but Nichole knew that they weren't gonna do that but she proceeded.

"Mrs Anderson am back", she said more like shouted luckily for her there were no customers at that moment. As she neared the reception table, her eyes came on contact with that of the narcissist prince.

Her mood changed immediately, when she saw his eyes move to her back she was about to turn back when she heard giggles.

She knew those giggles, she looked at him only to find him winking at her friends, with a scowl she dragged her friends to a table far away from the reception table.

"OMG!! He is so hot, if you don't marry him Nicki, I'll", Brit said. She rolled her eyes while her two friends continued to gush about him.

She left them soon after, and went to Mrs Anderson's office.

She knocked twice and was replied with a come in.

"Mrs Anderson, I came to give a complaint"

Stacie already knew what she was about to say,  so she told him the reason.

"I asked him to help me dear"

"what of Josh and Michael?"

"they went to visit their parents, and I couldn't do the work by myself"

Nichole knew that her boss was saying the truth, she couldn't help but sigh loudly and gave up. She thanked Mrs Anderson and left really not ready to face the narcissist prince.

When she got back to the coffee shop, she found her friends giggling and batting their eyelashes at Aiden while he was talking to them and smirking.

Does he ever smile? She thought

She frowned angrily and made her way towards the table on a mission to restore to her friends their senses back.


Sorry for the short update guys. The next chapter I'll be updating soon will be long enough.

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