Chapter five

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Liza and Brit were busy drooling over Aiden not noticing the angry glares Nichole sent to them until they heard a loud bang on the table. They sat up straight and cleared their throat with their heads down while Aiden was smirking at Nichole.

  Narrowing her eyes at them,  she took the seat beside Aiden and sat down on it, staying far from him like he was carrying some kind of disease. Her act made Aiden frown a little bit and smirked.

"why baby?,  does my presence make you uncomfortable?"

"nope, your presence disgusts me and trust me you are the last person I would want to sit next to", Nichole spat angrily while Liza elbowed her on the stomach to which she groaned. She looked up at her glaring while Liza was oblivious to her glares. Though her words and actions towards him hurt him a little, he couldn't help the fact that she was cute at that point.

"we are so sorry Aiden,  she is not usually like this". Nichole's jaw dropped.

"am definitely not sorry,  he deserves it". This time Brit pinched her so hard that she hissed. Meanwhile Aiden who had been watching them was filled with amusement.

"I hate you guys so much", she said pouting and leaving the table while Aiden who couldn't hold up his amusement burst into laughter.

Ignoring the feeling in her stomach at the sound of his laughter, she turned around.

"yeah, go ahead laugh at me, stupid". She then left for the reception table with one thing in her mind. He looked beautiful when he laughed.

Her friends ignored her tantrums and stared at him while he laughed with their jaws open and hearts in their eyes. They were shamelessly drooling at him.

"you have a nice laugh"

"you should laugh more"

Liza and Brit said at the same time. Aiden stopped laughing and cleared his throat, his cheeks forming a lighter shade of red.

"um... Thanks I guess", he said to which they nodded.

Nichole was still brooding when the bell rung twice indicating the presence of two people except that they were not customers.

"Nicki Boo!!", said the voices of the two people who arrived at the coffee shop, Michael and Josh.

Josh and Michael also worked at the coffee shop.  Josh was a writer and 22 years old while Michael had just graduated from high school and is 19 years of age.

Josh although being a writer helped at the coffee shop,  anytime he was free. They were brothers.

They both went more like ran and hugged the life out of Nichole while she struggled to set herself free from the torture the boys were putting her in.

"can't breathe", she said. The boys let her go and she sighed loudly and more dramatic as she tried to catch her breathe while the boys rolled their eyes at her.

"hey to you too", she said dryly.

Liza and Brit rolled their eyes at them and gave them a dry hello.

Josh wrapped an arm around Nichole's shoulders and dragged them both to the table where Aiden, Liz and Brit with Michael leading them.

On getting there, they sat down with Nicole sitting on Josh's lap,  this sight infuriated Aiden as he sat down in silence, his glares boring holes through Josh's head.

"oh hey man", Josh said finally noticing Aiden while Aiden muttered a "finally,  am been noticed". Michael said his greetings too

"who is this babe? ", Josh asked. Nichole rolled her eyes at the next he called her, she knew that it was because of Aiden because that is what he usually does anytime a guy he doesn't approve of is around her.

While Aiden narrowed his eyes at them,  he couldn't understand the reason but all he wanted was to have Nicole on his lap other than on Josh's.

"oh,  he is Nichole's boyfriend and future husband", Brit answered Josh's question bluntly.

Nichole immediately choked on her spit and glared at Brit.

While Josh and Michael had their jaws on the table, Aiden, Liza and Brit both smirked at them.

"Nichole dear, is that so?", said Stacie  who had just arrived at the scene.



   Hehehe 😂😂😂😂

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