Chapter six

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  For those that are confused about Stacie, she is the owner of the coffee shop and also known as Mrs Anderson.


Nichole groaned standing up from Josh's lap and went to hold Mrs Anderson on the arm.

"of course not, Mrs Anderson. Am not stupid. Even if I was dating, he is the last person I would date", she said pointing at Aiden who looked relieved when she left Josh's lap and was now glaring at her.

Mrs Anderson slapped her on the arm playfully telling her not to insult her guest to which Aiden smirked and Nichole rolled her eyes.

"Aiden dear, go have lunch. Am sure you must be hungry"

"no ma'am.. I mean Stacie. I... ". Aiden didn't get to complete his sentence as Stacie was already dragging him out of his seat.

"don't worry sweetie you won't be going alone. Nichole would be going with you"

"what?!!", Nichole shrieked.

"you heard me Nichole, don't make me repeat myself. Liza and Brit would also be coming with you guys"

Liza and Brit were happy with the news and soon they were dragging Aiden out of the coffee shop with Nichole glaring at their backs.

Josh and Michael were about to join them when Stacie stopped them.

"where do you think you are going?"

"uhmmm... For lunch?", Josh answered.

"you two are helping me here"

"but Mrs Anderson.. ", Michael whined.

"no buts you two, now come help me here. Don't expect me to do anything though when the both of you are here"

"I swear she loves them more than us", Michael whined to his older brother who slapped the back of his head pouting.

"get to work boys", Stacie said before leaving for her office.


Soon they reached the diner with Aiden opening the door for the girls while Liza and Brit giggled and went inside, Nichole rolled her eyes and also went inside then Aiden followed.

After they sat down, a waitress came to take their orders. Luckily enough it was a woman around her mid 30's who couldn't care less about Aiden.

With the way she took their orders, Nichole knew that she was in no mood for anything. After taking the orders, she left.

Aiden engaged the girls in a conversation, Liza and Brit literally told him almost everything about themselves while Nichole just gave a monotone answer when asked questions.

She could care less. After some minutes, the long awaited food was brought making Nichole smile and lick her lips in anticipation. She couldn't wait to devour the food.

Nichole and her friends usually go to the diner to eat as the food there was delicious. The owner of the diner Mrs Sharon Jones, was also one of Stacie's friends, so Nichole was known there.

Soon they were done with lunch. When it was time to pay, Aiden insisted on paying for them.

"nope, you are not paying for my lunch", she said as she shook her head at Aiden.

"babe, what kind of a person do you take me for?"

"uhmmm.... A dummy?", Nichole asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"how about I pay for this and you pay next time", he said ignoring her question.

"OK,  fine but just so you know there is no next time and I love paying my bills thank you very much", she said sighing out loudly. She knew that she if she ha
dn't agreed another argument would come up and she wasn't up for that.

When Aiden had paid up, they set off for the coffee shop.

Later that day

   After taking her bath,  Nichole decided to go to bed early as she was tired from work.

Shaking off the thoughts of Aiden that were appearing in her head, she fell into a dreamless sleep with hopes of not seeing the narcissist prince around her.

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