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     the rain patters on wrens back as she makes her way to the subway station. almost 20 years old and she still doesn't have her license. she'd like to say it's because she's eco conscious or because she'll never have to sit in traffic but the truth is she's just scared she'll fail the test. she doesn't mind taking the subway though, it's easy transportation and it's cheap.
     two years of living in california and she still adores the subway station. to most people, it's a mundane underground tunnel. but as a photographer she sees so much more. the aesthetics of the graffiti, the bizarre people walking around and the street performers playing music loudly - she loved every second of it. the loud subway came down the tracks as she stood on the platform and she got on. she took her seat and waited for the train to move.
    "woah woah, hold on!" just as the doors were about to close, a young man came running toward the train. people standing by the door helped him in and then the doors closed. he gave them his thanks and looked for a seat. wren studies him. he's tall and has a bowlcut. his face is kind and he looks like he hadnt slept in days. he's cute. her stare lingers and he makes eye contact with her. "may i sit here?" flustered she stammers. "um, yeah, sorry." she moves her stuff over and sighs. how humiliating. he laughs softly and sits. she returns to reading her book, ignoring his presence in hopes that her embarrassment would go away.
     "whatcha reading?" the boy asks her. she knows this is probably his way of flirting because she's holding the book in a way that you could see the bold title a mile away. "1984 by george orwell. i've read it a thousand times but my psych teacher is insisting on us reading it." she pushes a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and looks at him. "i've never read it." he admits. "no way! i thought everyone read it in like 11th grade." "not me i guess." she smiles at him and shrugs. "well you should pick it up sometime, it's a great book." "if you say so miss...?" he trails, wanting to know the beautiful girls name. "oh, i'm wren. and you are?"
  "i'm russell but everyone calls me joba." her face flashes with recognition and he cringes. he hoped that she wouldn't know who he was and it would be a normal interaction. she looks as if she's about to say something, then stops herself. "sorry, i thought i knew you from somewhere. it's nice to meet you joba." she had no idea who he was, he grinned. "nice to meet you too wren." she laughs and looks up at the monitor that tells you which stop is next. "we're almost at los angeles, is that your stop as well?" wren asked joba, feeling sad because she wanted to talk with him more. suddenly joba was hit with the reminder that he had a dozen of interviews and promo to do today in la. he had to meet up with his friends but all he could focus on was wren. "uh yeah. bummer." they sit in silence each thinking, "what now?"
     wren has never been one for deliberation and the wasting of time. if she has something to say, she'll say it. "do you want my number?" she asks joba, handing him her phone, already open to the new contact page. he wastes no time in grabbing her phone. "you read my mind." he enters the last digit just as the train comes to a stop. they stand up and he gives her a quick hug, "text me."

all day wren couldn't get joba off of her mind. he was cute, he was funny and he actually listened to what she had to say. she hoped that he wasn't just some sweet talker looking for sex just to ditch her after. she's had her fair share of that and she's over it.
     "earth to wren. hello!" sage, wren's best friend, say to her from across the table. "you've been daydreaming since we've got here. i've never seen you not in a rush to eat chipotle, i'm scared." she rolls her eyes at him, "i can't stop thinking about that boy from the subway. sage he was so cute you don't understand." now it's his turn to roll eyes. "wren, have you even texted him yet? since you're so googoo eyes, you might as well." 
"ugh i would but i'm so nervous. i don't know what to say." she opens her phone and turns it back off. "help me, you're good at boys." she slides her phone to him. "and you better not say anything dumb if you know what's good for you." wren watches nervously as sage types to her newfound crush.
   "ok. here." sage hands her the phone back and she snatches it.

joba 💛🚈

   hey :) it's wren from the sub

it's 9:46pm and joba still hasnt replied to the text sage had sent earlier. wren was worried that he just didn't want to be bothered with her and that their conversation was just small talk and he wasn't interested. a little discouraged, she finished up some homework and texted her friends.

boonk gang 🤪🤠
3 friends: (wrenny wren, big booty sage,    ass-trid ) 

big booty sage: wren has that joba boy texted u back yet?

wrenny wren: not yet :( maybe he's not gonna

asstrid: if he doesn't text you give me permission to fight him plz

wren laughed. her friends always knew how to make her laugh. her phone pinged and she assumed it was sage saying how he wanted to tag team him with astrid.


   hey :) it's wren from the sub

joba💛🚈: agh geez for texting back so late. i probably seem like the biggest douche ever. i've been caught up all day. forgive me plsssss

wren💕: you're lucky that gif is super cute or else i'd be more upset with you ❤️

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wren💕: you're lucky that gif is super cute or else i'd be more upset with you ❤️

joba💛🚈: oh thank god i thought i'd have to come and play careless whisper outside of your window on a boombox 😅

wren💕: i mean... you still could, i'm not opposed

joba💛🚈: maybe one day haha.
joba 💛🚈: oh btw, are u free saturday? i'd love to take you out, if you want to.

wren💕: i'd love that :)))

wooHOO first chapter!! please leave ur feedback 😫🤠🤟
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