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"I NEVER WANNA HEAR YOU SAY I WANT IT THAT WAY!" astrid and sage sang at the top of their lungs while wren tried to finish her english paper. she fished around in her bookbag to find the post it note with her professor's email on it and she felt the small flash drive romil had given to her days before. she had forgotten all about it.

she paused the music much to her friends disappointment. "the fuck dude. i was jammin." wren rolled her eyes and waved the flash drive in the air. "do y'all wanna hear my song?"


"wren. you've got to be kidding me. that was the best thing i've ever heard!" sage squealed, attacking his best friend with the biggest hug. astrid still hadn't said anything but the look on her face said it all - she loved it. "has joba heard it?" was the first thing  she asked. "um no. i wanted to surprise him with it. ian said next time they perform i could open for them." she shrugged nonchalantly, but inside she was so excited. "that's huge babe. please tell me you'll do it because i know how nervous you get." wren nodded, agreeing with her friend. it was true, she had stage fright super bad.

during talent show auditions in 8th grade, she got so nervous that she threw up on stage. yeah. not pretty.  

"i'll try my best. no promises."


ian: hey booo

wren: hiiiii

ian: i'm bored.

ian: u free?

ian: i'm w merlyn if astrid

wants to tag along😏

wren: sounds gooood

wren: we'll be ready in 20


ian had also brought matt, ciaran and jaden. he informed them that kevin was gonna tag along, but he chose to nap instead.

the group decided to go to a local arcade for the afternoon. the group went their separate ways when they arrived.

sage and ciaran talked about god knows what while playing some zombie game and astrid and merlyn flirted the whole time. it was nice to see everyone getting along.

wren and jaden went to play dance dance revolution. they were both equally horrible at it so not many points were won between the two of them. "i'm starving. you?" she nodded at the taller boy and they made their way to the snack stand. wren ordered a soft pretzel and jaden just ordered tater tots.

the duo sat at one of the small tables and ate their food. "so. you and joba." wren nodded and felt her face heat at the mention of his name. "yep. joba and i." "y'know he wanted to come along with us, but we left when he went to take a shower." wren laughed softly thinking about joba walking downstairs after getting dressed and seeing everyone gone.

"poor thing."

jaden dipped one of the tots in ketchup and wren noticed that his eyebrows were knitted together. he was thinking. "are you guys dating or..." he stuck the fried food in his mouth instead of saying more. "no. maybe. i don't know. we're not really labeling ourselves right now." her answer made her feel insecure. "mmm. that's cool." he thought before he spoke again. "he really likes you. like. a lot. the guys were saying how he's never seemed so happy." her heart fluttered. "i feel the same way about him. he's the best guy i've ever met. i'm on cloud 9." jaden flashed her a knowing smile . "yeah. i know that feeling."


"you're obviously uncultured because trolls is the best movie of the century." ashlan protested as he clicked play. everyone in the room groaned.

after the arcade, they all went back to the brockhampton house. joba was still mad that they left him behind but that was remedied when he saw wren. now they were cuddled up on the couch watching the movie, hearing ashlan and matt sing all of the songs together.

"joba? can i talk to you?" he followed her to the backyard. she sat on the side of the pool and he did the same.

wren let out a big sigh and bit her thumb nail. "what?" he asked, confused. "what are we. like officially? i know we were like not gonna label it an' stuff but... " she refused to face him because her anxieties were riding high and she was scared it'd show on her face.

to her surprise he let out an small laugh. "i was waiting for you to say something. i've been wanting to ask you that but i was nervous you'd say no." his face was tinged pink and he fiddled with his fingers.

"i'd never say no."

wren took his hand and kissed the back of his wrist. the warmth from his fingertips warmed her whole body. his fingers curled into hers and they fit perfectly. like they were meant to be. "wren anika spencer, will you be my girlfriend?" "i will be your girlfriend russell evan boring."

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