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the news hit wren like a ton of bricks. yeah she hated damon for what he did to her but she wouldn't wish cancer on her worst enemy. damon told her that the doctor said he had 6 months to a year until he kicked the bucket. her heart hurt for him.

joba traced circles on her back as she lay cuddled up against him. "i don't know what to do. i feel like i should be doing something." she muttered. "like what? i'm not trying to be a dick but i don't think you owe him anything. he treated you horribly and doesn't deserve anymore of your time and energy." joba's voice vibrated through his body and onto her. wren thought about this but ultimately her heart was too big for her own good. "i think i'm gonna go see him. he told me he moved to la for treatment so." she didn't finish her sentence. wren felt joba physically tense up at her words. "you could come with me love, i just want to see how he's doing. it's not the end of the world."

joba knew she was serious about going to see damon but he had a bad feeling. he trusted her though, so he agreed to go along.

the drive to damon's was quiet. not bad quiet. wren played frank ocean and sang along to every word.

fuck me good fuck me long fuck me numb.

she sang towards joba, placing her hand on his thigh. joba felt as she inched her hand up towards his crotch. his dick was getting harder by the second. "wren. i'm gonna crash." she bit her lip and palmed him through his pants. "just ignore me then." she unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand under his boxers. she grabbed his dick and pumped it slowly. "i-i'm gonna pull over." joba managed to say in between strangled moans. he pulled into ihop parking lot and turned the engine off. "get in the back." wren wasted no time climbing to the backseat. she let out a little yelp when joba slapped her butt. he struggled to climb to the backseat because his pants were still half down, but he managed.

wren got back to what she was doing. joba had his back up against the window and she positioned herself in between his legs. "are you comfortable?" she nodded and went to work.

the small apartment damon was staying at didn't look like much on the outside. he had informed wren that he was staying with a buddy of his while he received treatment. wren felt like her blood was full of lead when she went to knock on the door. she was frozen. nervous to see the first boy to ever break her heart. "hey. its ok" joba nudged her with his shoulder and kissed the hand he was holding. the action seemed small, but it filled her with enough confidence to knock on the wooden door. a boy around wren's height opened the door. his hair was somewhere between blue and green and his face looked splotchy as if he'd just been crying. "you must be wren and um." he looked at joba and tried to remember his name. "joba." "yeah! right. from brockhampton! sorry. i'm roy. come in. damon's in his room."

the couple followed roy in silence as he talked about how damon had been doing and how he had to leave soon so they would have to lock the apartment when they left. the group ended up at a room at the end of the hall. wren could hear soft acoustic music playing in the room and her chest tightened. roy smiled at her like he can read her mind. he places a hand on her shoulder and whispers, "don't be scared." his smile faltered as he turned the knob to damon's door and poked his head in. "hey. you have visitors." wren gripped joba's hand tightly as roy nodded at them to enter the room. joba ran his fingers over her knuckles gently in an attempt to comfort her.

to be honest, joba was quite tense also, but he'd never let it show for wren's sake. he'd never met the guy and now here he was, meeting the man on his deathbed. he ducked his head to enter the room and spotted damon. he was sitting in a lazyboy type reclining chair with tubes stuck in his nose. besides this, joba noted that he looked perfectly fine. he still had a head full of hair and he wasn't in anyway skinny or pale. 

damon looked healthy.

it's not like he was an expert or anything, but joba had seen what cancer looked like and this wasn't it. his grandmother and uncle had both went through the grueling chemotherapy and radiation that came along with the disease and they both had looked horrible until the day they died. he didn't want to jump to conclusions though. maybe the guy hadn't even went through those things yet. wren let go of joba's hand and went to hug her ex-boyfriend.

the two boys made eye contact as the girl wrapped her whole body onto the shorter one. 


the blonde nodded in his direction. wren sat on the edge of the bed and patted beside her for joba to sit next her but he shook his head. it felt weird for him to even be there so he'd rather blend into the wall as much as possible. 

the sooner this is over, the better. he thought. 


wren held damon's hands as he told her about the disease controlling his body. tears pricked at her eyes and she scolded herself for being so sensitive. "when they told me i was sick, all i could think about was you. about us. how i treated you and how much of a bastard i was." his dark brown eyes stared into her soul. "i lov-" joba cleared his throat loudly from the other side of the room. "wren, don't forget we um h-have lunch with the guys soon." he locked eyes with her and she and frowned at him. they both knew that the lunch was in an hour and that they were in no rush to leave.

 she pursed her lips together and stood up. "yeah. i forgot about that. do we have to go n-" 

"yes! m-merlyn just texted me to see if we were on the way." he lied, avoiding eye contact with her as he turned to leave the small room. wren puffed. "sorry. i'll come see you soon. rest up." she kissed his forehead then left. 


joba knew the girl in his passenger seat was upset with him. she hadn't said a word and she turned her body towards the car door. "u-uh, dom says that the restaurant is like super cool. it's a revolving sushi type deal." nothing. 

"he's pretty good right. i could get jiggy with this." joba turned the knob on the radio. perfume by roy blair played through the speakers. he saw the brown skinned girl crack a subtle smile but still she said nothing. 

"wren." joba paused, thinking of the right words to say. he wanted to say something basic like, "i'm sorry.", but he chose to be honest with her. "i don't think you should be going to see damon."  there was a silence. the blonde assumed that his girlfriend was still giving him the silent treatment until she abruptly said, "i don't recall asking for your permission russell." it was like she used force is her body to enunciate his name. "i'll do what i want." and with that, she put her headphones in and shrunk into her seat for the rest of the ride home.


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