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"wren, wake up." she cracked her eyes open and saw big blue ones staring back at her. joba. it'd been a week since they had gone to the park and they were perfectly content. 3 nights out of 7 they've had sleepovers. looking at him now, she admires how the sun shines on his face, illuminating his features. every mole on his face, his dyed blonde hair and his perfect lips. "you look beautiful." she breathed out, taking him in. joba furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at her. "what?" "i said that you look beautiful." he shook his head. "no i'm not." pouting, wren sat up a little bit more and placed her hands on his bare chest. "yes you are. you know it, don't lie." there was a small silence, he stared at her and she stared back. "well, you're beautiful too. even more beautiful than me." a small smile crept onto wrens face and she could feel herself beginning to blush. she had never thought of herself as beautiful. ever since she was a little girl. her bushy eyebrows, her bengali nose, and her thick, sometimes hard to manage hair, she never felt as if she fit in at school or at home. "no i'm not." "uh uh uh. don't do that wren, you're so beautiful, i can't put it in words. don't put yourself down." he kissed her nose and by this time she definitely knew that she was blushing.


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wren.spence: i've seen an angel

user1: so y'all dating dating ok
user2: i KNOW u not laid up w my man
user3: y'all are so cute omg i'm soft
jobaisreal: 😫😫 i stan
wren.spence: @jobaisreal ur goofy
sage_time: damn wren u pulling sis

"ok what are we watching tonight?" sage plopped on the couch in between his best friends. astrid flipped through netflix looking at the options. it was movie night, a tradition the three had started ever since they met freshman year. all of them were new to new york and didn't know anybody so they because close fast and the rest is history. "i was thinking," she paused for a dramatic effect, "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind." the other two whooped. it was all of theirs favorite movies and it's been so long since they all watched it together.

the trio had finished the movie and astrid and sage were passed out wrens couch. it was nearing 2am and she wasn't tired at all. these past weeks she's been staying up texting joba or having sleepovers with him. to be honest, she feels as if she's spending too much time with him. she hadn't been focused on school or hanging with her friends as much, the only thing on her mind was joba. she felt as if she was experiencing an extreme case of the honeymoon phase.

joba was on his way home from a long day of interviews. to say the least, he was exhausted. about half of the band was in the car fast asleep and the others were either on their phones or having small conversations. joba couldn't muster enough brain cells to do either of those things right now, so he chose to try to get some shut eye until he heard his phone chime.

wren🤠😍: are you up?

joba💜: yep wassup beautiful

wren🤠😍: do you want to hang?
ik it's late but i cant sleep

the yawns came out like clockwork as joba waited on the porch of the house for wren. he saw the headlights of her car as it pulled up beside him. "hey." he kisses her cheek and she pulled off. she was wearing sweats, her hair was up in a bun and she had her glasses on. she looked beautiful. "so, what we doin?" "i thought we'd take a drive. the beach is prettier at night." he leaned back and admired her discreetly. he was whipped.

they both kicked their shoes off and ran towards the shore. the sand was soft and cool under their feet and the breeze felt amazing. wren set out a blanket she'd found in the back of her car, motioning for joba to sit beside her. "i haven't been to the beach in so long. i've been so busy. i hate school." she drew circles in the sand and looked up at the beautiful boy beside her. "when i lived in florida, i'd go the beach every weekend by myself because 1. i had no friends and 2. because it was so peaceful. i miss that." joba placed his hand on her side and mimicked the circles in the sand on her back. "can i kiss you?" his words surprised her so much that all she could do was nod her head slowly. her breath hitched as he came closer and placed his lips on hers.

sparks. lightning. fireworks. she'd never felt this way before. he'd never felt this way before. it was simply magical. the kiss itself was sweet and slow. his hand was on her cheek, her hand was behind his neck. their bodies moved in sync as if they were made for each other. everything seemed right. when they each pulled away, their faces were red and they both had a goofy smile on their faces. "i liked that." wren breathed out and joba chuckled. "yeah, i did too. a lot." the rest of their night was filled with laughs, small kisses and stargazing. they both secretly wished that the night would never end.

hehe that's the end! i hope u enjoyed pls vote and comment!!

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