Chapter 1

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Y/N creeped her way through the streets, her eyes fixated on a loaf of bread. Y/N could feel her mouth begin to water. Y/N steadily walked closer towards the stand that had the bread.
Y/N casually walked past the stand and subtly snatched the bread and started to walk off. "Hey! That's my bread, you thief!" A man yelled in a groggy tone.
Y/N felt her heart rate begin to rise and beat at a faster pace. Y/N turned her head around to see that the Constable was running at her. It was then that Y/N started to pickup her pace and start running. Y/N pushed her way through the streets and the crowd coming the other way. "Get back here, you punk!" The constable yelled.
Y/N started to reach the edge of the town and the beginning of the forest. I can lose him in there! Y/N thought.
Y/N darted into the woods. Y/N ran as fast as she could, trying her hardest not to trip. After a couple minutes Y/N looked behind her, to see if the constable was still there, he wasn't.All though, Y/N had still kept running, not realizing where she was headed. In short Y/N tripped, Y/N flung in the air and threw the bread. Where Y/N hit the ground a sharp pain entered her shoulder, it didn't matter to her at the moment though. Y/N scrambled along the ground to grab the now slightly dirty loaf of bread. Y/N pressed her back against an large dark oak tree and held onto her shoulder with her free hand. Y/N realized she must have cut it open. Y/N gritted her teeth through the pain. "Hello?"
Y/N jumped and braced herself, not knowing who had spoken, Y/N looked around and eventually came upon a boy that looked about the same age as herself, light brown hair and kind and curious brown eyes. "Are you ok?" The boy asked.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Y/N mumbled shuffling a little further from the boy.
"What happened?" The boy asked looking at
Y/N's quite rugged look, torn up dress, (which she'd party cut to make it easier to run) and the hole on her coat.
"Just fell." Y/N sheepish answered.
The boy walked over, took off his brown backpack; putting it on the ground. The boy kneeled down by Y/N. "May I have a look?" The boy asked clearly wanting to help.
Y/N tucked her knees into her chest and stared at the guy skeptically. "I'm not going to hurt you." The boy reassured in a kind tone.
Y/N hesitantly let the boy lightly grab hold of her arm. The boy lightly touched the cut that was on Y/N's shoulder, Y/N tried to pull away her arm at the feeling of pain. "You hurt yourself pretty badly." The boy inquired.
The guy let go of Y/N's arm and started rummaging through his backpack. The guy pulled out some bandaging. The boy lightly grabbed hold of Y/N's arm again and started to rap the bandaging around Y/N's shoulder. "Names Jessie by the way." Jessie greeted.
"Y/N." Y/N quietly said.
Jessie then stood up and dusted off his dark brown trousers. "You should probably come with me." He said.
"Why? I don't even know you!" Y/N defended in confusion.
"Fair point, but you need to get your wounds cleaned." Jessie objected.
"I can do that myself, thank you very much."
Y/N said a little stock up, standing up.
"It could get infected." Jessie argued.
Y/N looked at Jessie for a solid minute, trying to figure if going with this stranger was in her own best intentions, this made Jessie quite uncomfortable. "Please?" Jessie pleaded kindly.
Y/N sighed. "Fine, it's not like I'm going anywhere in a hurry."
"Great!" Jessie said picking up his backpack.
The two started to walk through the forest. Y/N could honestly pickup some weird vibes from this Jessie fellow, not the creep kind of vibes or danger kind, the mysterious kind of vibes.
"So how'd you hurt yourself?" Jessie asked.
Y/N's mouth seemed to freeze. "P-promise you w-won't tell anyone the reason?" Y/N managed to say.
"Trust me, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets. . . Pretty good that is." Jessie promised.
"I stole a loaf of bread. The constable found out and chased me, I ran. After awhile I lost him here in the forest but I guess I tripped on a root or something." Y/N explained.
"Why did you steal food?" Jessie asked with a bit of disapproval.
"Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat."
Jessie nodded his head.
It was then the two came upon a run down cottage. "Wait here." Jessie said placing his hands on Y/N's shoulders so she got the message.
Jessie opened the creaky wood door and stepped inside. "Hey Jessie!" Jessie's mother, Mae greeted.
"Hi mom." Jessie said a tad bit shyly.
Mae looked at her son. "What did you do this time?" She asked sighing.
"How'd you know I-"
"Mothers just know these kind of things. Now what happened?"
Jessie took a deep breath. "Now hear me out, I swear what your about to see isn't the way it seems."
"Just spit it out!"
Jessie shuttered a bit. "You can come in." Jessie said to Y/N.
Y/N stepped inside, fear and anger rolled across Mae's face. "Jessie!" She yelled.
"Now I know how it looks but I swear-"
"What's going on?" A man said entertaining the room.
The man was tall, had dark brown hair and brown eyes filled with anger, regret and sorrow. The man took one look at Y/N and instant disapproval and worry went across the man's face. "Not again. For crying out loud Jessie! We don't want a repeat of last time!" The man asked.
"Look if you allowed me to explain myself you'd understand." Jessie defended.
"What's there to explain?" The man asked with anger.
"Well Miles! If you'd let me get there-"
"All right you two, enough!" Mae yelled shutting the two up.
"Jessie, explain." Mae said calmly.
Jessie took a deep breath. "Ok, so I was walking through the woods when I came across this girl. She was hurt so I couldn't just leave her there! I bandaged her up, but she needs more medical care." Jessie explained.
"Let me have a look." Mae said in a caring, motherly way.
Y/N hesitantly walked closer to Mae. She pulled the bandaging apart carefully. "Oo, that's pretty bad, come with me." Mae said.
Y/N looked back at Jessie, unsure. Jessie nodded his head as to say, it was ok to go with her.
The two walked away. "Does she know?" Miles asked.
"Know what?" Jessie asked.
"Don't play dumb Jessie, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Miles bossily said.
"Gezz Miles. To answer your question though, no. She doesn't know anything."
Y/N sat on a wooden crate as Mae rummaged through the attic. "This place looks like it has a lot of history." Y/N said to herself.
"You can say that again." Mae said overhearing Y/N.
"What's the big deal with me?" Y/N asked.
"What do you mean?" Mae asked turning around and bringing some rubbing alcohol over.
"Well, when you saw me and whoever that other guy was, you freaked out. Why is that?" Y/N asked.
"Oh, that. Um, we're just a little out of touch is all, sorry if we seemed to be rude." Mae apologized.
"It's fine."
Mae applied the rubbing alcohol to Y/N's gash. Y/N winced at the stinging feeling. Mae then re-bandaged Y/N arm. "And there! You should be good." Mae proclaimed.
"Well I'd best be on my way then. Thank you for your kindness." Y/N thanked walking away.
"Hold on! Stay the night." Mae offered.
"Really?" Y/N said pleasantly surprised.
"It's the least we could do, we hardly ever get company." Mae said.
"T-thank you!"
"No problem. You can stay up here." Mae said kindly before walking downstairs.
"Where is she?" Miles asked antsy.
"She's staying the night." Mae said.
"What?!" Miles yelled.
"It's only one night." Jessie said to Miles.
"But what if she finds out?" Miles asked losing composer.
"Oh come on Miles can you not keep your mouth shut for one night?" Jessie asked fed up.
"That's not really my problem, is it? Jessie!" Miles mocked angrily.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Jessie asked getting a little more than annoyed.
"Winnie Foster ring a bell?" Miles said.
"You take that back!" Jessie yelled grabbing onto his collar of Miles shirt.
"Boys! Break it up!" Mae said.
Jessie let go of Miles shirt.
"It's only one night, we'll be fine, she won't know a thing." Mae said.
"I sure hope so." Miles muttered.

A/N I'm really excited to make this tbh. It's going to be a long book (probably)
So if your reading this when the book is done, have fun.
Thanks for reading
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