Chapter 3

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Y/N drowsy opened her eyes, she looked around at her surroundings, it was the Tuck's home. Y/N noticed she was on a couch like bed, upon remembering that she'd been forcefully brought there against her own will, she stood up. Mae, Jessie and Miles then looked over at Y/N who was clearly in distress. "I'm glad your up." Mae said stressed but also kindly.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked.

Y/N looked over at Miles and ran at him, Jessie luckily held her back. "You! You drugged me!" She yelled.

"You sure seem to be  a hand full." Miles mumbled.

"Y/N, can you just calm down? We'll try to explain you everything." Jessie said.

Y/N stopped trying to get at Miles. "So what is going on then?" she asked.

"You might want to sit down for this one." Miles said.

Jessie pulled up a chair to have her sit on, Y/N sat down. "How to explain this?" Mae said quietly.

Jessie, Miles and Mae looked at each other and talked quietly among themselves. After about three minutes they had a "plan."  Mae took a deep breath. "Once upon a time, once upon a time. Can I start like that?" Mae asked looking at her kids.

" Shouldn't start like that." Miles objected,

"Be patient with me Y/N, I don't tell this often. Once there was a man, a man with his wife and family-"

"That's Miles and me." Jessie interrupted.

"Jessie, let me tell the story. I don't want to start a war." Mae averted.

"We tore from the west to settle in the east. Looking for a farm or some land at least."

"Get to the part where I fall form the tree!" Jessie said antsy.

"No you've got it all wrong!" Miles joined in.

"Miles! Jessie!" Mae yelled.

"Then we found a wood." She continued.

"Yes, we found a wood. Can you guess which one?" Jessie asked.

"This one?" Y/N asked with a smile.

"You're good." Jessie smiled back.

"Where we found ourselves a clearing and camped for the night. Just the four of us." Mae said.

"Plus the cat and the horse, they play a crucial part." Miles added.

"Yes Miles, of course." Mae said.

"We slept by a spring, near an old ash tree."

"And that's where I carved the T." Jessie proudly said.

"Jessie!" His mother said hushing Jessie.

"In the morning, in the morning." Miles continued.

"We had no way of knowing." The three said in unison.

"Without even thinking, we drank from the spring. Who knew that spring could change everything?"

"Except for the horse, everybody drank. Even the cat." Mae added.

"Remember that." Miles said.

"You can lead a horse to water-"

"I think she knows the phrase." Miles said interrupting Jessie.

"So days went by, then months, then years. We lived ordinary lives." Mae said.

"Or so it appears." Miles added.

"The old horse died at, twenty-five."

"But the cat was still alive." Jessie said.

"We weren't changing."

To Measure a Year (Jessie Tuck x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang