Chapter 10

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A week had passed, no one had really brought up the water incident. It was actually quite silent for that week. Y/N stayed at the cabin.
Y/N had a lot to think about. It was killing her inside to chose between living forever or going back to Treegap. "You alright?" Jesse asked seeing Y/N in distress.
Y/N looked up from the attic floor. "To be honest, no." Y/N admitted.
"Does it have to do with the immortality ordeal?" Jesse asked sitting down beside Y/N on the floor.
"It only has to deal with everything." Y/N said.
"So say it." Y/N said.
"Say what?" Jesse asked.
"Tell me why I shouldn't drink from the spring. It's all I've been told over the past two weeks." Y/N explained.
"Well, why do you want to live forever?" Jesse asked.
Y/N looked up at Jesse, no one has asked her that other than Mae. "Well, like I've said before. I don't have anyone in my life anymore."
"I need something a little more in depth than that, Y/N." Jesse said placing a hand on Y/N knee.
Y/N looked at Jesse. He had a still strong stare but it want cold, it was still kind and caring.
Y/N let out a deep breath. "Here's something you need to know about me. Promise you won't tell anyone, no one knows about this." Y/N asked.
Jesse squeezed Y/N's hand as a sign of reassurance and giving her a sense that her secret was safe. "My lips are sealed."
Y/N took one last deep breath. "When I was little, about nine. My parents fell ill with Scarlet Fever, as did I. We all fought our hardest to stay alive. My parents hired the best doctors to get the best care they could but in the end, it was useless. In short, I lived through it, they died."
Jesse could see small tears start to weld up in Y/N's eyes. Jesse grabbed hold of Y/N's other hand, turning her slightly so she was facing himself.
"They brought me off to the orphanage, as you would. There wasn't anything wrong with the orphanage it's just that I didn't like being confined there. I always dreamed of when I would turn seventeen, the day I'd be set free from there. I counted down years, months, days, minutes! Now that I'm seventeen though it's no easier."
Y/N wiped a some tears that rolled out of her (e/c) with her shoulder as she tried to slow her breathing so she didn't cry anymore than she already was. "Dare I say worse. Cause now, I-I'm truly alone. I now count down minutes in a year just to kill time. I was counting down minutes in a year Jesse! All five-hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred of those minutes! There was no propose in living anymore! Until I met your family. Now that I know all of you I don't want to leave, Not now, not ever!"
At this point Y/N was full on crying ugly tears despite her trying not to. She clenched her fists in Jesse's hands. "Don't leave me Jesse. P-please don't leave me."
Jesse pulled Y/N into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her upper back. Y/N buried her face into Jesse's shoulder to try hide her sobs. Jesse rested his head against Y/N's. "I'm not going to leave you, I promise you that." Jesse whispered rubbing her back lightly.
The two stayed like that for what seemed forever. Once pulled back from the hug, her eyes sill red and puffy as was the rest of her face.
"Gosh, gosh Y/N. I wish with all my being I could let you drink from the spring." Jesse whispered with a sigh while holding Y/N's forearms.
"Why can't you?" Y/N asked with a smile grabbing hold of Jesse's forearms as well.
Jesse gave her a saddened but knowing look. "You know why."
Y/N sloughed a little bit. "It's not cause I want to torture you, none of us do. All we want is for you to live a full life. I hear what you saying believe me, I get it. I would be the same way, it's just that you never know when someone special comes along the way and may change your life." Jesse explained putting a little bit of hair behind Y/N's ear.
"What if I already found someone special who has changed my life?" Y/N asked without thinking.
"W-what?" Jesse stuttered with his cheeks turning slightly pink.
Y/N stared at Jesse for a moment trying to recall what she had said. Honestly the words had come out of her mouth so fast she didn't really know what she said, then it hit her. "Oh my gosh. I um, I d-didn't mean that, I'm s-sorry." Y/N stuttered letting go of Jesse.
Her cheeks were bright red.
"No it's fine." Jesse said still dazed while also letting go of Y/N.
The two stared at the ground for a long while until Jesse said. "Well I should probably going."
"Go where?" Y/N asked.
"Somewhere." Jesse answered standing up and leaving.
Y/N was left alone with her thoughts. Did I seriously just confess my feelings to Jesse?

A/N I'm not dead, yeah
Thanks for reading
The Author

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