Chapter 7

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It was early in the morning. Not a soul was awake, well not anyone other than Y/N.
Y/N grabbed her patched up jacket and creeped her way across the attic floor, trying to make sure the squeaky floor boards didn't make to much noice. Y/N silently made her way down the stairs and out the door. As soon as Y/N was outside, she took off. Y/N wandered aimlessly around the forest, searching for The Old Ash Tree.
After about twenty minutes she found it. The tree had sort of a glow to it in Y/N's eyes.
Y/N looked at the small spring right by the tree. Y/N took a deep breath in and kelt down in front of the spring. This is it. She told herself.
Y/N cupped her hands and got ready to draw water from the spring when she was interrupted. "Y/N?"
It was Jessie.
Y/N heart raced and her breathing quickened. No, no, no! Not now!
Jessie was now in sight. The moment Jessie saw Y/N he bolted towards her. Y/N quickly scooped up some in a water pouch she had and took off running.
Y/N made extra, special care to make sure she didn't trip on any roots or rocks. "You can't keep running!" Jessie yelled.
He's right. Y/N thought.
Without thinking Y/N grabbed hold a tree branch and started to climb up the tree until she reached a thinnish tree limb.
Jessie stood at the bottom of the tree. Y/N stood up the top of the tree trying to catch her breath but not before the sound of a braking branch could be heard. Before Y/N knew it, the branch gave way and Y/N was falling.
Jessie quickly positioned himself under Y/N and within a couple seconds Y/N was caught by Jessie and now was in his arms. "You ok?" He asked.
Y/N nodded her head. "Thanks for catching me." Y/N thanked.
"Not a problem" Jessie said putting Y/N back on the ground.
Jessie held out his hand, indicating he wanted the pouch. Y/N sighed, reluctantly handing the pouch over. Jessie emptied the pouch, making sure there was nothing left of the water. "You care to explain yourself?" Jessie asked while emptying the pouch.
Y/N stumbled on her words. "Well, um y-you see. I-I knew you'd all disagree with me d-drinking from the spring so-"
"So you decided to go out when you thought we were all asleep?"
"Yes." Y/N confirmed.
"You know there's a reason we don't want you to drink from there, right?"
"Yeah I know it's just that-"
"Look at me Y/N!" Jessie said putting his hands on Y/N's shoulders.
Y/N looked Jessie dead in the eye with slight shock and fear. "That spring recked our lives. You don't see the the problems with it cause you're not immortal. But trust me! You don't want to watch everything and everyone you love grow old and die, over and over again." Jessie explained.
"I already told all of you. I have no one. That means I can't watch anyone I care about grow old." Y/N said preying Jessie's hands of of her shoulders.
"That doesn't mean that won't be the case ten or even five years from now." Jessie argued.
"That wouldn't be the case if I stayed with you and the rest of your family." Y/N said.
"Look. It's just...You don't want this. I know." Jessie said sincerely but softly.
"How'd you know I was here in the first place?" Y/N asked changing the subject.
"Intuition." Jessie responded.
Later that day once the two got back to the cabin, Jessie laid on his bed thinking about what had happened. "Hey Jess." Miles greeted walking into the room.
"I told you to not call me that." Jessie said.
"Sorry." Miles apologized.
Miles looked over at Jessie. "You okay?" He asked.
"Not really." Jessie replied.
"Is it about Y/N's little stunt?" Miles asked.
Jessie nodded his head.
"Why do you care so much? You weren't like this with Winnie."
"Well maybe my ideas about immortality have changed since then." Jessie shot back grouchily.
"How so?" Miles asked sitting down on Jessie's bed.
"Well with Winnie, I was just excited to see someone who understood us. I didn't want her to leave us. And I was lonely. Mom and dad have each other for ever. You had someone. I had no one. I realize how selfish it was of me now. But that's how it was." Jessie explained.
"Than why isn't it like that with Y/N." Miles asked.
"I want her to be happy. I want her to live life. I realize that Winnie would have been missable be immortal and I honestly don't want the same for Y/N. She says she'd be happier if she could live forever, but she doesn't know what a blessing life is. I care to much about her to see her suffer forever."
"Can you say that again?" Miles asked with a smile.
"Say what?"
"The last thing you said.
"I care about her to much to see her suffer forever?"
"That's it!" Miles said with a smile.
Jessie stared at Miles, blankly for a moment before realize what he was implying. "Hold on! No, no. I don't like her that way! I like her as if she was my best friend." Jessie defended sitting up.
"Sure." Miles said.
"It's true!" Jessie shouted.
"Alright, I believe you. But I'm proud of you." Miles said.
"How so?" Jessie asked.
"You're finally thinking rationally." Miles responded.
"You think so?" Jessie asked.
"I know so." Miles replied standing up and leaving the room.
A slight smile crossed Jessie's face. Maybe I can actually do something right.

A/N ok! So I know Jessie's name in the story is spelt Jesse. It was a small detail I forgot. I'll start writing it like that from now on, I'm sorry.
Thanks for reading
The Author

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