Chapter 6

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"Raise and shine sleepy!" Miles yelled shaking Jessie.
Jessie drowsily swatted away his brother hand. Jessie sat up in his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Come on, we gotta get going." Miles nagged getting dressed.
"It's to early to go hunting for food." Jessie groaned.
"It's never to early!"
Jessie rolled his eyes and got off his bed. "What's your opinion on Y/N?" Jessie asked putting on his trousers.
"What do you mean?" Miles asked buttoning up his shirt.
"Well, do you think she's a nice girl. Do you think she's s cute?" Jessie said bumping Miles shoulder with his elbow.
"Ah ha ha. You're so funny. She's fine but she'd never be my type." Miles replied.
"You sure?" Jessie teased.
"Yes, quite sure."
Jessie shrugged his shoulders putting on his vest over his shirt. "The real question is she your type?" Miles asked with a small smirk on his face.
"What?" Jessie said turning to face Miles.
"You heard me. Is she your type?" Miles answered.
"Ha, ha!" Jessie laughed a little mockingly.
Miles raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.
"No not really."
"Not really?"
"Yes, not really. Is there something wrong with that?"
"Well." Miles began.
Jessie felt a knot tie in his stomach.
"If it's only "not really." That doesn't mean that she isn't entirely your type." Miles smiled.
"Weren't we supposed to go hunting or something?" Jessie said quickly changing the conversation.
"Not until you admit she's at least sort of your type." Miles mocked.
"Look even if that were the case, it's not like I'd be able to court her or anything. We're immortal, she's not. Watching someone that you love grow old? I couldn't bare it." Jessie answered.
"Ok, fair point. But is she kind of your type?" Miles nagged.
"Gezz Miles! You're such a pain in the ass sometimes. You know that?" Jessie groaned.
"Jessie! Language." Miles dramatically gasped.
A little unknown fact about Miles was that he was quite the tease. Being the older brother he was practically inclined to tease Jessie.
"Ok fine. So she is sort of my type." Jessie admitted.
"Oh?" Miles said raising an eyebrow.
"But that means nothing! I still don't like her. It wasn't like Winnie." Jessie defended.
"Yeah but the difference between Y/N and Winnie is Y/N is already seventeen. Winnie was eleven and that's illegal." Miles said.
Jessie rolled his eyes.
"Plus I don't think you actually had a crush on Winnie." Miles added.
"Why would you say that?" Jessie asked.
"The only thing you had a crush on was the idea of what you thought Winnie would be like when she was seventeen."
Jessie bit the inside of his cheek a bit.
"Well am I right?" Miles asked.
"Sure." Jessie said walking out of the room.
"Hello boys! Ready to do some hunting?" Angus said with excitement.
" I guess." Jessie answered shrugging his shoulders.
The three walked out the door. "Ok so I have an odd question." Y/N said from the kitchen table, with a plate of eggs in front of her.
"Go ahead, I'm listening." Mae said.
"Well, you're all immortal and nothing can kill you. But is it necessary to eat or drink?" Y/N asked.
"Well not technically, but we still get hungry and thirsty. We just can't die from thirst or hunger." Mae answered.
Y/N nodded her head taking a bite from the eggs.
"So nothing can kill you?" Y/N asked.
"Yes. Well actually no. The only thing that can kill us I suppose is, well. The end of time itself." Mae said.
"I suppose."
"It's to early for this." Jessie groaned lying on the ground with binoculars in his hand.
"Shhh!" Angus shushed.
"You'll scare away the deer."
"Still though. We've been here for two hours." Jessie wined.
"He has a point. The deer hasn't moved in at least thirty minutes. I say we just pull the trigger now." Miles added with the gun in his hands.
"But what if it does move?" Angus asked.
"Dad I'm pretty sure it's not going to move. But the longer we wait it probably will run off." Jessie said.
"Look we pull the trigger when I say we pull the trigger." Angus interjected.
The two boys sighed. A couple minutes passed (about fifteen) when Angus gave the single. "Fire!"
Miles pulled the trigger and the bullet cut through the air but not before the deer ran off at the sudden sound. "Ah! Come on!" Angus yelled.
"Look, maybe we should just stick to fishing." Jessie said.
"Yeah, you're probably right. Come on boys. Let's get back to the cabin." Angus admitted with defeat.
The three got up and stared to walk back. "You know pa. Jessie likes the new girl." Miles brought up with a condescending smile on his face.
"Miles!" Jessie shrieked.
"Oh? Is that so?" Angus asked trying to hide a smile.
"I just said she was sort of my type. I don't actually like her." Jessie defended.
"Well you know that it wouldn't work out for the two of you, even if you did like her." Angus said.
"Exactly my point, Miles!"
Jessie stared daggers at Miles.
Miles chuckled a little under his breath.
"You know, you're possibly the greatest and nicest family I've ever met." Y/N chirped.
"Really?" Mae asked with a smile and her hands on her hips.
"Definitely. No ones ever treated me with this much hospitality. Not to mention your family is, well. Unforgettable."
Mae chuckled a little.
The wooden door then creaked open. "You guys are home already?" Mae asked looking at the boys entering.
"Yep, and we've got nothing." Jessie answered with a sigh.
"Hey now, cheer up. I'll get the tub ready. How about that?" Mae said trying to cheer up the three.
"I call dibs after dad!" Miles and Jessie yelled in unison.
"How about we let our guest take a bath first?" Angus suggested.
"Oh yeah. Sure." Jessie muttered.
"Come with me dearie." Mae said leading Y/N outback.
"I'll get the tub ready and you can get changed behind that." Mae instructed pointing to a sheet hanging between two posts.
"Ok, and again. Thank you so much for your kindness." Y/N thanked.
"It's not a problem." Mae grinned.
I could get used to staying here. Y/N thought.

A/N Yeet! Have this.
Thanks for reading
The Author

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