Chapter 12

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Another week had passed since the "immortality crisis." Everyone wasn't sure what to do, the damage had already been done, Y/N was immortal. There was nothing anyone could do about it, it was irreversible. "Why'd she do it?" Jesse mumbled to himself.

Jesse was staring up at his brother's bunk from his own. He still couldn't rap his head around why Y/N had taken a bullet for his family. She said it was impulse but Jesse couldn't to sure that was the case.

It was then that Jesse noticed someone sitting down at the end of his bed. Jesse sat up to see that it was Miles. "Still not over what happened?" He asked.

"No, are you?" Jesse groaned laying back down.

"Can't say that I am." Miles said.

Miles looked over at Jesse, he was clearly troubled by the incident. "Why does it bother you so much? I thought you liked her, now she gets to live, forever. Your chances of getting with her just went way up." Miles asked.

"I've told you already, I wanted her to live out her best life. Normally." Jesse answered putting heavy emphasis on the word "normally."

"Well now that the damage has been done, there is no good sense in mopping around about it." Miles said.

"I know, I know. It's just, I still wonder you know? Like why she would jump in front for us, she knows we're immortal!" Jesse said sitting up.

"Love makes you do crazy things I suppose." Miles shrugged.

"Say what?" Jesse asked.

"Well, it's clear that she loves our family or at least cares, she probably wasn't thinking in the moment."

Miles looked back at his brother who had a, in a daze look on his face. "I meant that she loves our family in a platonic way, get your head out of the clouds." Miles explained hitting Jesse in the head.

"But who knows, maybe she does have a thing for you."

Jesse smiled a little at the thought but quickly snapped back to reality. "As if. I'm so old and she's seventeen, why would she like me?"

Miles rolled his eyes. "Jesse you don't act look like you've aged past seventeen, what you just said was a load of nonsense.

Miles smiled a little, bumping Jesse's shoulder while saying. "Plus, you're not that bad, there's no reason to belive that she doesn't love you." 

Jesse let out a weak smile. It was nice to hear that from Miles but that still didn't stop the swirling thoughts the moved around in his head. "Thanks." Jesse meekly said.

"Miles!" Angus yelled.

"Coming!" Miles shouted back, running out of the room.

"But still though." Jesse whispered to himself.


Y/N laid on the attic floor. "I'm immortal" She said to herself.

The realization that she was immortal still haden't sunk in. Y/N felt multiple feelings, fear, anger, sadness, guilt, joy, it was all there. "This is what you wanted, right? To live forever? It's what you begged and pleaded for!"  Y/N asked herself.

Y/N lifted her arm in the air and stared at the back of her hand. "So why do I feel all this regret?"

It was then that Y/N heard the sound of a the attic's creaking, wooden door, Y/N sat up to see who was there, it was Mae. "How you holding up dearie?" She asked sweetly and calmly.

"I've seen better days." Y/N sighed, running her fingers through her h/c hair.

"I'm sorry things turned out like this." Mae apoligetcally said.

"Don't apoligize, you had nothing to do with the situation, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been careless." Y/N defended.

Mae frowned. "Well on the plus side, at least you get to be by people who care about you."

Y/N looked up at Mae and smiled. Mae had a warm glow to her, the whole house did. It made Y/N feel like she belonged, a feeling she hadn't felt in ages. The knowing that she was somewhere she belonged. Maybe this whole being imortal thing wasn't so bad.

A/N What's up?! I'm alive!
Sorry it's been forever.
Thanks for reading
The Author

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