Chapter 9

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Y/N sat at the kitchen table, alone. Letting her thoughts run wild. Her head was filled with so many different things, what Mae said, what Angus said, and still contemplating whether to drink from the spring or not.
It was difficult, on one hand she wanted to stay are drink from the spring. She wanted to live forever. Her life wasn't the greatest so it seemed to be the only logical to do. But on the other hand, maybe the Tucks were right. Any year now, someone could stumble into Y/N's life to make it worth wild again. Maybe living forever wasn't the greatest. Yet again the Tucks were the thing that made her life worth wild again.
Y/N tugged at her h/c in frustration. "You ok?" Someone asked.
Y/N looked around to see Miles. "Let me guess, you're here to lecture me too?" Y/N groaned rolling her eyes.
"No, just wanted to ask you a few questions." Miles said taking a seat.
"Same difference." Y/N grumbled propping up her head with her hand.
"You do understand why we're enforcing this on you, don't you?" Miles asked.
"Yes, but you don't understand where I'm coming from. I have nobody left. Period. End of subject." Y/N explained.
"You're a lot more difficult to deal with than Winnie was." Miles mumbled under his breath.
"Who?" Y/N asked cocking her lead to the right, slightly.
"Winnie Foster?" Miles asked.
"I don't know! Who is she?"
Miles almost forgot to breathe. The memories came flooding back. "Well. Winnie was a very important girl to our family. She was the first person who truly understood us and knew us. She was a little girl when we met her. She reminded us that we still had something to look forward to. She was a special girl." Miles explained wistfully.
"Where's she now?" Y/N asked.
"S-she died some time ago." Miles answered sorrowfully.
Y/N was at a loss for words. "I-I'm so sorry. "
"Don't apologize, it's fine."
The two were silent for sometime, until Y/N said. "That's why I want to live forever. Death is such a sad and depressing thing. I want to stay away from it."
"No!" Miles yelled slamming his hands on the table.
Y/N jumped. "Why don't you get it?!" Miles shouted gritting through his teeth.
"Immortality is cursed! It ruins relationships! It ruins lives! Do you know how many days I wish that I could just die?!"
"Well I'm sorry your life is so awful!" Y/N yelled unapologetic.
Miles looked up at Y/N who was filled with rage. "You're all always talking about how "cursed" immortality is! Honestly it's getting tired! I'm sorry your friend is dead! But it sounds like she had a family to return to. You're going to have to give me a real solid reason as to why I shouldn't go down to that spring right now!" Y/N yelled.
Miles stared at Y/N with anger filled eyes still.
The two with their hand in the table and staring back at each other. "I'm waiting." Y/N spat.
"Alright than, sit down. I'll tell you a story."
Y/N sat down and crossed her arms will a still angered looked.
Miles took a moment to calm himself. "I had a farm house, with a grandfather clock. Where I would teach time to my son. Our lessons began at 12 o'clock sharpe. Where the hands would come in as one. I'd say the big hand counts minutes, it's so tightly wound. It chases the small hand to make hours go round! I taught Thomas, constellations in the sky. To tell a Silver Maple from a Cottonwood. I taught Thomas to divide and multiply but one he never understood. Was time! As I watched him grow, time! He would never know, time! But regret was I. Time if I only knew the, what! And how and who, that time truly divides!"
Y/N face softened. She could have never guessed that Miles was a father or that this happened to him.
"There was a farm house, with a grandfather clock. Where one day I woke up alone. They feared I was magic, they feared I was cursed! But mostly they feared the unknown! The big hands the father, the small hands the son! And there was never a time where they came back as one." Miles said in a broken voice.
The memories brought back to many feelings. Feelings of anger, sorrow and even a bit of joy. "I taught Thomas, how to catch a firefly. How to make a pebble skip and row boat skip. She took Thomas! And never said goodbye. The one thing I could never give to him! Was time! Time! I'm left with nothing! Nothing but time."
"Miles, I had no idea. But I want you to know that I know for a fact that Thomas still loves you."
"You think so?" Miles asked.
"I know so." Y/N said sweetly

A/N I don't actually know what this chapter is, sorry it's short, sorry it's not the greatest.
Thanks for reading
The Author

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