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JOHNNY, DARIUS, AND LAUREN ARRIVED shortly after as they greeted lexi and went to sit down.

that to realize they were forced to sit next to mackenzie and nadia due to the seat organizer.

the trio walks over to them as they see nadia and mackenzie quiet, which is something surprising to them.

"hey," lauren says softly to the two girls as they look at up at the trio. nadia nods her head as mackenzie just slightly waves.

the trio sits down next to the two girls as an awkward silence takes place. the seating went johnny, mackenzie, lauren, nadia, darius.

at last, a few moments later the funeral had started.

LEXI WAS THE FIRST TO HAVE A speech and went up on the platform, as she was still shaking inside.

the five of them smiled slightly at her as she looked over at them. she took a deep breath before talking.

"faith allison munar was my best friend. she was my rock, my sister, my only and one, my thunder, my everything, my heart. she was the one person i know who would always be there for me. i remember first meeting her in kindergarten. i was sitting there on the swings when she came over. she asked me if i wanted to be pushed and i said yes.

after that we started talking more and then, she became my best friend. without her i don't know what to do in life. she was one of the kindest people but also rebellious. she made a few major mistakes, but she was my best friend and i knew i was always going to be there for her.

later in middle school, both of us has moved away to florida, due to her parents getting a new job. they took me with them because faith didn't want to leave me, and my parents both died when they were younger.

i've been living with faith for the past years of my life and it has been a whole heck of a ride. through our fights and shit, were still best friends and sisters at the end.

as we can see, i'm wearing purple today, while everyone else is wearing black purple was her favorite color. a long time ago she told me, 'when i die, wear purple at my funeral. it represents how much you are important to me' so i did.

i knew she was depressed. she told me last year. we used to go to therapy together and she slowly became better. after some current events tho she took her life. she locked the door to the bathroom and swallowed a bottle of pills. she took her life away and i was too late to save her i-," lexi broke down crying, but still continued on.

"she was a gorgeous and amazing person. she was self conscious about herself and thought of how terrible she was. she always thought she was useless, worthless, didn't belong in this world. she heard voices in her head telling her all this stupid crap. she loved everyone, but sometimes she get as if they didn't love her enough.

she was my best friend. i watched her die. i couldn't save her. i-" and with that, lexi ran off the stage crying.

the five of them had tears in their eyes. it's miserable to lose a best friend, but to see your best friend who meant everything to you die? that's just a whole different story.

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