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TWO GIRLS SAT IN THEIR HIDEOUT, AS their plan to what so ever they were doing was in place.

lls sat down on the couch, as posy was still planning the last few things for their plan.

"LLS COME HERE!" posy yelled as the girl got up and walked to her. on the table laid a neatly planned out plan.

they two girls chatted with each other about it, as the knife glittered next to the diagram. that was the last part of the plan.

to kill.

at last, their plan was set into action an hour later. that's until, they were unfortunately stopped by a few men.

"HANDS UP, WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" yelled a police officer, holding a gun towards them.

the two girls looked at each other in horror as their plan has just been ruined. posy slowly lower the knife to the ground, as lls placed the diagram with the place down

both of their hands were in the air as the police men surrounded them, and grabbed both the diagram and knife.

they cane in contact with them before grabbing their hands behind their back.

"bella shepard and sophia rose. you both are under arrest for the murdering of annie leblanc, and for planning on killing two innocent girls. anything you say will be used against you."

the two girls grunted as the police men escorted them to the car.

i guess not everyone gets away with shit like killing people.

MACKENZIE AND NADIA WAITED ONCE again, in the same booth, at the same place.

it was 3:45, which was 15 minutes before lauren, johnny, and darius were set to arrive.

they had decided to head on earlier, just to see if they would stand them up once again.

"oo nads, guess what?" mackenzie exclaims as nadia just stares at her confused.

"what?" she replies back as mackenzie cheerfully just laughs. "i wrote a song!!" mackenzie said as nadia just smiles.

"congrats! so proud of youuuu. can i hear it?!" nadia exclaims as mackenzie just nods, bringing her headphones out.

she plugs the headphones into her phone and clicks the file where her song, "emotions" was playing.

(disclaimer: i know her song hasn't come out yet, but again OH well)

while the two girls were bopping to the music, they didn't realize a blonde had entered the cafe.

she ordered a brownie and a hot cocoa and glanced around to see where they were sitting.

"order for lauren!" one of the workers exclaimed as her order was ready. she went up to get her drink, before thanking her and walking towards the two girls.

"hey," lauren said softly as the two girls looked up to see the blonde. "hey laur," mackenzie replied as lauren slightly smiled.

nadia gestured towards the seat in front of them. "sit," she exclaimed as lauren just sat down.

it was now 3:57 and the boys were still not there. they were getting anxious by the minute.

yet the three girls engaged in a conversation. even with their past differences and other stuff, they were able to make it through.

tick tock. tick tock


tick tock. tick tock


tick tock. tick to-

suddenly a sudden outburst of paparazzi were outside the cafe as two boys came running in with hoodies.


4:00 rang as the two boys took off their hoodies and walked towards the girls.

"right on time, for once," nadia silently said.

about 4 chapters left. rip

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