Chapter Eight

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*Kristina's P.O.V*

As soon as I woke up and realized where I was, I shot up out of bed. I pretty much scared Christina awake.

"What's going on? What's wrong?!" She asked annoyed.

"I may have gotten permission from my parents to be here.... But you didn't get it from yours..." This made her eyes go wide.

I got up out of the bed to wake Austin up so I could ask him if he could drive us to our houses really quick but before I could get out the door, Christina's voice stopped me.

"Uh where'd you get those sweatpants?"

I mentally smacked myself right there. I forgot that I even had these on.

"I woke up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty and uncomfortable from wearing jean shorts to bed. I went to the kitchen to get water. I thought Austin was asleep but he walked into the kitchen when I was facing the opposite direction and scared the crap out of me. I told him why I was awake and then he went and got me these sweatpants so I could go back to sleep."

After she nodded, I went to where Austin was. Lucky for me, he was already awake.

"Morning, Mrs. Mahone." he said with a small wink.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I have a huge favor.." I said.


"Do you mind taking us by our houses? I need more clothes and Christina needs to get permission from her parents to go with us to the next stop on the tour." I said a little too quickly.

Austin got up and grabbed his car keys and put on his sandals.

"Well? Let's go!" He said with a cheeky smile.

Christina and I followed him to his awesome red car. I sat in the front with Austin while Christina sat in the backseat.

An hour later, we were at my house and I quickly packed my things.

As soon as I got back in the car, we headed to Christina's house.

"So... How am I going to get my parents to say yes to this?" Christina asked.

"If they don't accept puppy dog eyes, then we'll use plan b. Which means Austin will come and talk to them and explain what's going on. It'll be hard to say no to the world's most popular boy." My voice was full of confidence.

Nothing was said after that. It actually started to get a bit awkward after a few minutes so I reached for the radio but so did Austin. I pulled my hand back slightly when our fingers touched. I don't know what happened but it felt like I was in a cliché romance movie. Sparks and such. I'm sure that I was the only one who felt it though.

Austin switched the radio on blasting 'Wiggle' through the speakers. We all laughed and began to sing along.

"You know what to do

With that big fat butt..

Wiggle wiggle wiggle"

It was funny hearing Austin sing that. The laughter died down a bit as we neared Christina's house. I guess it's now or never. Once we were in the drive way, Christina and I got out.

"Good luck! Text me if you need your superhero to come to the rescue." he told me before he winked.

Christina and I laughed and walked up the steps to her door.

"Hey honey. How was the concert?" Her mom asked.

"It was amazing, I loved it. But have to ask you a question." She told her mom.

Crossing my fingers.

Her mom waited.

"Austin Mahone wants us to go to his next two stops on his tour since they're still in Texas. Can I go?" She said a little too nervously.

I gave her the puppy dog eyes to soften her up but it didn't work.

"That's the dumbest lie I've ever heard. Why would you even ask me that? Did Kristina's parents give her permission?" She yelled.

We both nodded. "Well my answer is still no. It doesn't even sound like the truth anyway. Bring me proof and I might change my mind." She yelled again.

I held up my finger as I clicked on Austin's contact before raising the phone to my ear.

"Austin, plan b." And I hung up.

About ten seconds later, Austin walked to the door. Saying that Christina's mom was shocked is an understatement. She just couldn't believe that the Austin Mahone was standing in her living room.

Austin started to explain the situation and once he was finished, all three of us gave her puppy eyes. Austin's puppy eyes were like magic because Christina's mom finally said yes.

We all cheered before she packed all of the things she needed. Once she was done, we all three hugged her mom goodbye and ran out to the car before she could think about changing her mind.


An hour later, we were back at the tour bus. Once we were all situated, we headed to Houston next. This was going to be one hell of an adventure, I'm sure of it!

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