Chapter Fourteen

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*Shawn's P.O.V*

I'm glad Austin came up with idea for us to go to two different restaurants. It'll give me a chance to know more about Christina.

When I first heard about her, I thought she be one of those crazy fans but she turned out to be one of the coolest people I've met.

Her friend Kristina is pretty cool too. It's weird how they have the same name but they also don't, you know?

All of these thoughts were rushing in and out of my head as I got dressed in a navy blue polo and dark jeans with black vans. Le Bernardin is a really fancy restaurant but I'm not one to wear fancy clothing so this will have to do. I hope Christina doesn't mind.

Once I was ready, I kept thinking about what Christina will look like tonight.

Even though I just met her, I've developed some sort of feeling towards her. I just don't know what it is yet.

There was a sudden knock at the bathroom door before someone spoke.

"The girls are ready bro, we need to go." Austin said through the wooden door.

I took a deep breath and emerged from the bathroom.

We exited the tour bus only to become face-to-face with the girls. I only noticed Christina.

She wore silver heels, a dark blue dress with sparkles here and there, had her hair in a curled bun, light makeup, and a dark blue purse.

Saying she was beautiful is an understatement. I smiled when I met her gorgeous brown eyes as she smiled back at me.

I tore my eyes away to look in Austin's direction. He was speechless at the sight in front of him. That must mean Kristina looks good too.

Instead of looking, I focused on opening the car door for my date. Once she was settled in, we headed off to the restaurant in a comfortable silence.


An hour later we arrived. I hopped out of the car and ran to the other side so I could open Christina's door for her. We made our way into the small but beautiful restaurant.

"Table for two under Mendes." I told the hostess.

She grabbed two menus and led us to a small, two-seater table in the back corner away from the crowded area.

I pulled Christina's chair out for her before carefully sitting in my own seat.

"What can I get for your drinks?" the hostess asked us.

"Ladies first." I told Christina.

"Dr. Pepper please."

"Make that two." I said.

Five minutes later our drinks arrived and we ordered our food. While we waited, we talked about random things like memories, embarrassing moments, crushes. Stuff like that.

"So one time I was trying to record a Vine of myself singing but my friend Nash came up and smack-cammed me. I pretended to be mad, but we ended up laughing right away." I laughed.

"Are you serious? That's awesome!" Christina replied.

"So have you ever broken any bones?" I asked her.

She hesitated.

"I broke my wrist. In the same spot. Twice. The first time was because of a four-wheeler accident, but the second time it happened... I was walking up stairs at school and tripped. I tried to use my hand to stop myself but I ended up hurting my already hurt wrist." She explained.

"So wait... You fell up stairs?" I chuckled. "I'm sorry for laughing, I really am. But it's cute how clumsy you can be." That made a blush form on her cheeks.

This is a great night.

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