Chapter 22

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*Kristina's POV 2 weeks later*

Today is the day that we head back for the tour. It was currently 5 in the morning and Austin, Shawn, Christina and I were packing our suitcases.

Our flight wasn't until this evening at 9 but Michele Insisted we pack our things now instead of later.

It didn't take too long so once we finished, we all went and laid back down until 8 am.

"So, are you ready to be back on tour?" Austin whispered to me.

I nodded, "Are you?"

"Of course, I love being on tour. It's still so surreal that all of this has happened to me. The Mahomies are so supportive and I love all of them. Without them, you included, I wouldn't be living my dream right now." He said.

That brought a huge smile to my face before I kissed his cheek.

"And we all love you too, Austin." I told him.

In return, he just smiled at me before there was a light knock at the door.

"Come in." Austin yelled.

His mom walked in with a smile on her face.

"There's a surprise for you downstairs."

I looked to Austin only to see confusion on his face.

I smirked because I knew exactly what it was.

"Go see." Michele said.

Austin and I got up to go downstairs.

Can you guess what the surprise was? No? Wait for it..

"AC, Robert, Zach!!" He yelled when he reached the last step.

I laughed to myself before heading back upstairs to wake Christina and Shawn up.

As I stood in front of the door, I decided to bang really loud on it.

"What the hell was that?!" Christina shrieked.

I heard footsteps against the floor so I ran downstairs pretending that I didn't just do that.

"What was that?" Austin asked as I jumped the last two steps as fast as I could.

"You'll see!" I smiled.

"Did you guys hear that loud bang?!" Shawn said.

I turned to Austin and the group and winked before speaking.

"What're you guys talking about? We've been down here the whole time."

"Yeah I didn't hear anything either." Austin said.

"Neither did we." Alex spoke for the rest of them.

Saying that the looks on their faces were funny was an understatement. They were hilarious.

So hilarious that I couldn't keep my cool and started to laugh really loud.

"That- that was so... So funny!" I said between breaths.

"I'm gonna kill you." Christina said as she ran towards me.

I ran too and hid behind Austin.

"Don't let her get me!" I yelled.

"I got you babe!" He put his arms up to shield me.

"Austin, come on. Don't ruin the fun!" Christina said.

He shrugged. "What can I say, I like protecting my girlfriend!" I saw him smile.

Christina sighed while she walked back to Shawn.

*1 hour later*

"Mom said it's time for me to come home." Christina told Me.

"But it's only 9 in the morning? She's weird." I said.

"No, she's still mad at us."

I didn't say anything after that. I let her get dressed while I went to tell Austin we needed to go.

"Hey it's time to take Christina home." I said.

He nodded and tossed me the keys to his red Range Rover.

"Why did you give me the keys? I can't drive."

"I'm going to teach you, duh!"

"Austin.. You can't possibly trust me with your car.."

"Of course I can, plus I'll help you the whole way there." He reassured me with a smile.

I just smiled in return and went back upstairs.

"Christina, check it out." I said while dangling Austin's keys in front of her.

"Why do you have those..?"

"Austin's letting me drive. He says I need to learn how."

"Well..", she paused, "as long as I don't die then Okay."

I laughed as we both walked downstairs and got into the car.

"Austin, are you sure you want me to drive?" I said as I backed out of the driveway slowly.

He looked at me and simply nodded.

I sighed while putting the car in drive and set off for Christina's house.

I was doing good so far, we were finally only 10 minutes from her house and I relaxed a little.

Austin took one of my hands off of the steering wheel and held it in his own.

"Relax. Try driving with one hand, it's easier to maneuver the car that way. Two hands on the wheel seems to restrict you from turning and stuff." He said.

I nodded and relaxed a little. Not much though.

Soon after, I pulled into Christina's driveway and we all hugged and said goodbye.

"Well, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the tour. Kristina you better text and Skype me every day."

"Of course." I said as I hugged her.

The rest of the group hugged her and I got into the car again.

"Want me to drive this time?" Austin asked me.

I shook my head and started the car before placing my hand in his.

The drive back was a lot easier than the drive to Christina's house was.

We made it back in no time and decided to stay and watch movies all day with Alex, Robert and Zach. Shawn caught an early flight, saying he'd see us later.

Tour is going to be a little weird this time around, but I'm ready for it. And by the way Austin is acting, he's ready for it too.

Let's just hope it goes as smoothly as we think it will.

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