Chapter Thirteen

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~One month later~

*Austin's P.O.V*

"Goodnight New York! I love you!" I yelled as I looked out into the crowd of screaming girls. Tonight's concert was amazing but man was I tired. I made my way out of the stadium with my mom and friends by my side.

Once we were safely inside the tour bus, I started to text my manager. I wanted to set up a time for Kristina and him to meet since I never took her to meet him back in Texas. I smiled when he replied saying that we could meet when we were back in Miami. Just one more month.

In the past month I've been on tour with my friends, I've loved every minute of it. Robert and Alex had went back home about a week ago to see their families so it was just Christina, Kristina and I. Speaking of those two, they are amazing people. I consider Christina one of my best friends and well as for Kristina, she's kind of shown more feelings towards me but they're still mostly hidden in her mind.

Today was the day that I was going to set my plan into action. To show Kristina that I like her just as much as she likes me. It's going to take time but in the end, it will definitely be worth it.

And speaking of people liking each other, Shawn and Christina have shown some mutual feelings towards each other too but won't say anything about it, which means that Kristina and I are going to have to intervene. Which should be fun.

Those two need to be together. They're always texting each other, calling each other and even hanging out backstage. How they can't tell that they like each other is beyond me. But that's about to change. A lot is about to change.

I was torn out of my little rant in my mind when I heard Christina and Kristina's voices. They went shopping a few hours ago and just got back.

"For someone who doesn't like shopping, you sure did buy a lot of things." I told Christina.

She just shrugged.

"Hey Mahone." Kristina said.

"Hey weirdo," I said, "Do you need help with the bags?"

She nodded so I took five bags and left her with five also.

I'm so glad that I'm not a girl. Too many shopping bags.

Once all of the bags were put away, we went outside of the bus and walked around. I didn't go shopping because I didn't want to get ambushed by my fans. I love them but I want to relax.

I saw Christina with her phone which means she was probably texting Shawn.

"Is it alright if Shawn tags along?" Christina asked us.

We just shook our heads.

Sure enough, Shawn showed up five minutes later.

I stopped in front of Kristina and squatted down. She gave me a questioning look.

"Hop on." I said with a chuckle.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and jumped on my back. Once she was situated, I took off running away from Christina and Shawn. I heard Kristina laughing as I ran which made me laugh too.

Once I saw that we were far from the other two, I slowed to a walk.

"Why'd you run from them?" Kristina asked me.

"I needed to talk to you about getting them together. It's obvious they like each other, they just need a little push. And that's where we come in." I told her.

"Hmm so what could we do?" She asked again.

"That's what we need to think of. It's going to take a bit of time, but we can pull it off." I said.

"I'm in. I want to see my best friend happy." I smiled as she said that.

That's when we heard panting behind us so I turned around to see Shawn and Christina out of breath.

"What--- The-- Hell..." Christina started.

"Was--- that--- for?" Shawn finished.

Kristina and I just laughed and headed back in the direction of the tour bus.


*Austin's P.O.V 3 hours later*

Kristina, Christina, Shawn and I were currently in my tour bus playing dance central on the Xbox. Everyone but myself was bad at the game which I thought was really funny.

After an hour of playing, everyone gave up.

It was currently six o' clock in the evening so we needed to have dinner. Between the four of us, there were two choices: Olive Garden (My choice) or Le Bernardin (Shawn's choice).

Kristina and Christina groaned in annoyance after we kept arguing. Then I got an idea.

"How about this: Kristina and I go to Olive Garden and you two go to Le Bernardin." I said.

Everyone seemed pleased with the idea so we all went to get ready. The girls took the two bathrooms in my tour bus so Shawn and I went to his since his had two bathrooms as well. This is a great time to set both plans in motion.

I can't wait to see what Kristina looks like in the dress she'll be wearing.


Author's Note

Yay new chapter! Enjoying writing this story. It's a lot of fun! Next chapter will be up soon!

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