Memories Of A Broken Heart

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I'm tired. I'm tired if it all.

I'm tired if being nice.

I'm tired of being treated like a child.

I'm tired of being a doormat.

I'm tired of fake people.

I'm tired of living.

I haven't came out of my room in three days nor eaten anything.

I haven't taken my pills so you could say I'm depressed. Not even depressed but just tired.

I love Benn more than anything in this world and he acts like nothing between us ever happened ever mattered.

I'm not even mad. I'm just sad and it won't go away.

I'm living, breathing proof of an unhappy person.

Brandon called the cops to get me out but they couldn't do anything. Unless I've threatened to do something bad.

And Brandon is not much of a liar so that's good.

I spend most my days crying myself to sleep.

Andy tried to get in through the window and ended up falling in the pool.

The normal me wouldn't ever stop laughing about that. But I'm no longer me. I'm someone else.

I don't even think I'm a person.

I'm a whole lot different then I look on the outside honestly.

And Benn doesn't even care. He hadn't tried to come and see if I'm alright.

He'd be okay if I wasn't.

The only options are to kill my self or get myself together and get revenge.

I spent the rest of today thinking about my options and I think I'll go with revenge.

Oh this will be great I thought with an evil smirk.

I got out of bed and took a hot shower.
Did my make up as my hair was drying.
And picked out what a was gonna wear.

Marijuana crew socks, short booty shorts and an bmth t-shirt.

I straightened my hair and left my bedroom.

I walked down stairs as Brandon ran up to me and gave me a long tight hug.

"Hey how are you feeling??" the mothered me.

"I feel great, but I'm starving. "

I sat down as Brandon made me breakfast and I ate it quickly.

I put my vans on and told Brandon I'm going to the store.

Which was somewhat true but I was going to look for Danny Suede.


Going to update after dinner.

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