Chapter 4: Bring it Back Around - Deadly Life

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The two ran out of there as soon as they could. They had to tell everyone. They rounded everyone up, taking no more than 5 minutes. But they couldn't find Maki.

They went back to the room, seeing a worse sight.

Okato was still there, but now next to him was Maki. She was on the floor, gun in her hand.

"A body has been discovered! Head to the empty room for details! A body has been discovered! Head to the empty room for details!"

"Y-you said you only found... one... body..." Lii cried.

"We did! Maki wasn't here before..." Randy looked next to Okato, seeing the locked closet was now open.

All their phones rang. Two new Monokuma Files.

Okato died to a gunshot in the head, killing them instantly.

Maki died to a gunshot in the head, killing them instantly.

"Wow, ok, Monokuma sure did give us a lot of information," Ian glared at his phone.

"Yeah, this is unacceptable. We need times! And other wounds! And anything more than a sentence!" Jonoa whined.

"I-Ian and I can guard?" Lii suggested.

"Ok," Randy nodded, going over to the bodies first.

Just like the file said, both had a gunshot in her heads. But there was an odd bit about Maki.

"She has a second bullet in her arm," Randy noticed.

"That's odd," Shuichi responded.

"It gets odder. You'd think three bullets would be missing from the gun. But instead, it's five."

"But we only heard two?"

Randy got up and went to the closet. It was filled with a lot of recording equipment, including a computer. It looked like an editing room. On the ground were two smashed MonoPhones and two bullets.

"The killer didn't want us going through their texts," Randy looked at the shards.

"I'm curious about THIS," Shuichi pointed to the weird star.

"True. What IS this?"

Shuichi picked up the book, all the pages were blank. "I can only assume Okato had something to do with this. They did say that had a plan that involved the ribbon."

"What plan involves demon stars, empty notebooks, and Drae's ribbon?"

"I... I really don't want to know," Shuichi gulped.

"Hmm, can you go to their dorm? I'm going to check out the library," Randy left.

"Can I go with you?" Jonoa smiled.

Before he could protest, she was dragging him along.

Their dorm looked at the same as before. Jonoa walked over to Okato's bed. "'Dear Maki Roll, don't worry I'm fine. I'm working on the plan. Don't bother me and just go back to sleep. xoxo.' So they WERE dating!"

"That's the least of our worries," Shuichi frowned. He was looking at the weapons and noticed a missing gun from Maki's case.

"Hm? Maki missing a gun? Suspicious..."

"What were you doing during this time?" Shuichi asked.

"Oh, I was just eating a five-star dinner! I was sleeping, you idiot," she rolled her eyes.

Shuichi sighed. This wouldn't be an easy case when everyone was sleeping.

"Investigation time is over, meet me in the gym," the unknown voice boomed again.

Danganronpa V4: Welcome Back, Shuichi SaiharaWhere stories live. Discover now