Epilogue: Before It All

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"Toshi-san? Toshi-san? Watashi wa anata to hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka?" Nano knocked at my open door.

"English, remember?" I glared back at her.

"Gomen'nasai! Uh, may I speak to you?" She asked.

"About what, I'm busy. The Season starts in only a month."

"That's just it. It's about TSF. Shouldn't we send out a letter to one of their friends? That way those friends can spread the message around about the show!"

I processed this. I didn't want to agree with her, but it seemed I had to. "Fine. I want you to send the following a letter: Mark Fischbach, Ben Vestergaard, Jaiden Dittfach, and Jake Paul. In the letter I want you to say this:

'Dear N/A, your friend/brother will be on the TV Show Danganronpa on channel 11037! Tell all your and his friends to watch the show! It'll be worth it! Sincerely, Team Danganronpa'

Is that clear?"

"Yes, Toshi-san, I'll get to it right away," the girl turned to leave. "...one more thing..."

"What," I groaned.

"Are you sure about this?"

It was sudden. But it was a question I asked myself this whole time. There was only one answer. "I have no choice."

She left me this time, shutting the door behind me. I sighed. "Liani, Ayo, Shirogane-sama... I'm doing this for you."


"What's this?" I looked at the letter again.

"Oh, the show Sean's on! We should tell our fans, no?" Ethan asked, excited.

"And his fans too. They probably wanna know where he is," Tyler chuckled.

"We can all watch it together, yeah!" I smiled.


"I'll watch it, I promise," Madelyn giggled at my question over the phone. "Now don't you forget, either."

"How DARE you assume I'll forget! Me and Ian made a promise! I got the key necklace, he's got the lock necklace!"

"Friends forever, huh?" she sighed.

"Yup! Forever and ever!"


"Danganronpa is the show," I laughed at the stupid faces James was making at me on my computer.

"Sounds like something Domics would watch," he laughed. "Is Dave in an anime now?!"

"Stop screaming, you'll annoy Ari and my volume is on high. And I hope so, that would be cool."

"Sweet, I'll be sure to tell our fans too!"


"So how about it? I bet Logan would be pretty happy if you watched it. And, you're way more popular than me. The show will explode!" I begged him.

Shane sighed. "You know what, why not."


"Is this thing on?" Shuichi tapped the security camera. It was the last working one. Everyone was bruised and bloody. Randy wasn't visible.

"I think it is, yeah," Ian nodded.

"My name is Shuichi Saihara. I'm with Caleb Vonning, Mio Giji, Jared Leelin, and Ian Cobnen. We are alive and fine. We may not have gotten the answers to everything, but we believe we will later. Once we find the Team Danganronpa building, we'll get our answers and you'll be informed."

"We promise!" They yelled together.

To Be Continued in the Prequel "Danganronpa F: Ai Zetsubō"

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