Chapter 5: I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry - Daily Life

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"Good Morning everyone! It is 7:00 am, time to start the day! This time, we added the fifth floor! It has more classrooms, a super sweet lounge, and a special room for you to find yourselves. ;)"

"Did he literally just say 'semicolon closed-parenthesis'?" Randy groaned. "The bear's got issues."

"Should we tell everyone about the notebook?" Shuichi asked.

"Nah, they'll be pissed I took it. Let's keep it our secret for now."

They went to breakfast and saw quite a strange sight. Mio and Caleb were talking together. They had barely spoken this whole season and yet here they were.

With no Maki, Shuichi sat next to Randy. The cafeteria was quiet, it being only the eight of them now. Shuichi, Randy, Ian, Lii, Jonoa, Jay, Caleb, and Mio. Shuichi knew there would be one last trial, then something big would happen and they would stop Monokuma, figure out the traitor and mastermind, and it would repeat another season.

Shuichi secretly hoped he would be the one who died.

As lunch finished up, Shuichi decided to hang out with Ian. He seemed lonely after Lii and Jonoa left together.

"Wanna try and find the lounge with me?" Shuichi asked.

"Uh, sure."

Shuichi led the way, going up all the flights of stairs. It was labeled with a fancy gold plate.

The room was white, but the lights made it look tan. Couches, a big TV, snack bar, milkshake bar. They were being treated now.

"I feel like this is secretly the motive. Kill another person and get more stuff like this," he sat down on the couch. "Wow, this is nice."

"You could bring your game consoles up here, no?"

"And risk Jonoa smashing them? No way."

"Where'd you get that idea from?"

"Dude, she hates me. With a passion. She doesn't like me hanging out with Lii, even though Lii was my friend first," he sighed.

Shuichi felt bad. He tried to change the subject. He noticed a silver lock necklace around Ian's neck. "What's that?"

"Oh, this? I'm not too sure. I woke up with it on. It was nice, so I just kept it."


"Yeah. Got no clue what it is. But, it does do this."

The boy took out a bobby pin from his pocket, slipping it into the bottom of the lock. After a little struggle, the lock opened. He closed it again.

"That's cool."

"I assume there's an actual key to it.

"Oh, like a friendship necklace?"

"I... I guess so. Though, I don't know who that friend could be.

Shuichi had some idea. One of his actual friends. The real him's friend.

"Maybe I could bring my PlayStation up here and just bring it back forth. Yeah, I'll just do that."

After a few second, Jonoa and Lii walked in. Lii looked happy, while Jonoa looked... angry?

"Hi, guys! I didn't know you were here!"

"Shuichi's idea. What were you two doing?" Ian asked.

"None of your business, wow it's beautiful in here!" Jonoa looked around.

Ian stood up to leave, not wanting to be with Jonoa it seemed.

"W-where are you going?" Lii frowned.

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