Chapter Thirteen ☆

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9K views. I honestly do not know what to say. Thank you so much. I cannot believe that so many of you have followed me throughout this journey and I love you all. Ps, y'all made me cry.

"Mi casa es su casa." Sirius chuckled as he unlocked the front door. The apartment he lived at was barely actually lived in. He spent most of his time at James' place. Despite this, it was not the time to have James lingering around. "I didn't know you spoke Spanish. Sirius Black,
en realidad eres un pequeño frijol suave." Remus blushed.

At that, Sirius nervously laughed. Well, it wasn't really a laugh. "Remus, that is adorable but I couldn't understand you." Remus sarcastically rolled his eyes (can you sarcastically roll your eyes?) and continued to explain what it meant. "It means, in reality you are a cute smol bean"

Sirius flicked his hair back, almost in slow motion, and went flustered in the face. "Is there honestly anything you can't do? I didn't know you could speak Spanish." He shyly said. "Oh yes, I'm actually quite nerdy about it. My Siri was in Spanish at one point."

Out of nowhere, literally nowhere, Sirius started running. Remus didn't even have time to move out of the way, he thought Sirius was going to floor him. The sparkle in Remus' eyes died out as he panicked through a flashback of the bullies running towards him and then— it stopped. A hand reached the top of Remus' back and was soothing him. A hug had appeared between both the boys. Sirius wasn't running towards Remus to hurt him. He was, hugging him. "How could anyone bully you I don't understand. I'm going to protect you, I promise" Sirius half sobbed into Remus' ear.

At this, Remus began to sob too. But in between the sobs he managed to put together one sentence. "We need chocolate & mean girls." A painful laugh came from Sirius as he nodded and let go of Remus. His long hair was stuck to his flustered face from both sweat and tears, his face a mass of red.

Whilst Sirius hurried off to retrieve the chocolate and put the kettle on, Remus perched himself on the leather sofa to watch the TV. He knew that this was Sirius' house because Sirius is the type of person to have a leather sofa. I mean, let's face the facts. As he did that, Remus had realised that with all the commotion, hugs and tears, he hadn't taken in and looked around the place he was in.

Sirius' apartment reflected his personality perfectly yet it was sort of surprising to Remus. Of course, as expected, there were black clothes laid out everywhere. Including a pair of underwear which Remus disregarded almost instantly. Despite this, the apartment still felt cosy and a little aesthetic. Remus expected Sirius to be a little aesthetic. He had Wattpad and just had the general sense of aestheticness. That's not even a word but let's roll with it. On the other hand, he thought that Sirius was going to be a grunge Aesthetic guy, not a soft geeky one.

Dotted in amongst the black clothes were watercolours. Actual watercolours. Remus was literal shooketh. He thought he was the artistic one and Sirius never told him that he painted too. Of course, along with the paint, there were canvases as well. In fact, some had paintings on them already. Remus brushed his hand against a portrait that was way better than what he could have done.

You are still alive aren't you? Also, don't kill any of my plants :)

Looking at his phone, Remus was still fully shook to the bone but he was alive enough to reply to Sirius' text. Although, he was confused as to why he texted him and didn't just shout.

I can't believe my eyes. Sirius you're actually adorable. AND you're a plant mom? Is there anything you can't do?

And with sending that text, Remus felt his face turn red. "God this stupid blush I—" he said to himself before Sirius came round the corner just in time to say: "love it. I love it" with a smile.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 & 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲; wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now