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Monday July 9th, 10:45am

It's been exactly a month since we came to Avonlea for vacation. Everyday would pass so fast while I had fun with all the crew. I was in bed looking at my ceiling. It was a rainy day today. Great. No swimming today.

"Oh my god Anne you're legit the slowest person to get up! We have to go, we don't wanna miss the photo exhibition our boyfriends are hosting, do we?" Ruby shouted from downstairs. She had been waking me up since 8am as she got overexcited for Jerry's and Gilbert's photo exhibition. I was too but it would start at 1pm, like chill out.

"ANNE" Ruby shouted snapping me out of my thoughts.

"YES. Yes ok I'll start getting ready, relax" I said as I lazily got up. We would go back to school in exactly one month and I wanted to enjoy summer in every possible way. That includes sleeping. A lot of it.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I went back into my room and searched for my outfit. Considering the fact that it was raining, i decided on a kind of autumn outfit. It was consisted by my red hoodie, my black ripped jeans and my white all star. Then I braided my hair, which I usually do for school as I am more comfortable, and I ran downstairs.

Diana and Charlie were in the kitchen talking with Tillie, Jane and Ruby were watching TV and Billy with Josie were laughing on something they were talking about, I assume

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Diana and Charlie were in the kitchen talking with Tillie, Jane and Ruby were watching TV and Billy with Josie were laughing on something they were talking about, I assume.

"Oh my god she's up, finally!" Ruby said looking at me while chuckling.

"Hey I have a right to sleep more you know! Summer will be over in a month.." I said adding a sad tone in the latter. I didn't want summer to end cause that meant I would have to leave Avonlea. Leaving Avonlea would mean leaving my friends and fun. Leaving Gilbert. I don't want to leave him. We've been perfectly fine this one month and I'm afraid of what is going to happen to us because of the distance. I must have taken a sad expression as a concerned Diana approached me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes I'm ok, thanks" I said giving her a smile which came out sad beyond my control. Diana lightly squeezed my shoulder and whispered:

"We'll talk about it later, only the two of us, if you want to" she said, her lips turning into a caring smile.

"That would mean a lot thank you Diana" I whispered back, returning her a sincere smile.

"What time is it?" Diana asked as we both looked at the others.

"It's only 11:15am. For gods sake Ruby, even if we started getting ready at 12:00 we would be ready earlier than 1am, jesus" Josie said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah Rubs you overreacted a little" Tillie said and we all nodded.

"Whatever" she sighed and we all laughed.

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