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Thursday August 9th, 8:11am

The moment I reached the girls, I realized I was out of breath.

"Anne why were you running? Don't tell me you suddenly are in a mood for school? You do realize we still have 20 whole minutes before our first class right?" Tillie started shooting questions at me. I wanted to tell them what happened, but I couldn't find it in me. I somehow felt like I.. cheated on Gilbert? Sounds weird right. I mean, he's my best friends cousin for God's shake! I can't tell her a thing like that! Can I?

"Oh yeah. Sorry, you know how I act with school" I nervously giggled.

The girls took their programs from my hands and started reading them. As my breathing got steady again, Diana came close to me, bringing her paper next to mine.

"Seems like the years gonna start nicely" she said pointing at the paper excitedly. It read:


I gave Diana a huge grin. Miss Stacy was legit the best teacher ever. She was so passionate with her job. She literally made history and literature heaven! I always had they highest grades on her subjects as they always were my favorite ones.

Suddenly the bell rang so we all started heading to the lunchroom [an: lol I'm sorry idk how to write it, i seem to forget lots of words today, i don't know what's up with me] so the head teacher would wish us a great school year like he always does.

"So what do you have first period?" Ruby asked.

"Miss Stacy you suckers" Josie shouted in her face making us all laugh.

"Screw you! We have Mr Phillips!" Tillie said, her voice sounding mad but her face showing nothing but disappointment. I patted on her back sympathetically.

As we entered the lunchroom, we saw Billy waving at us from the other side of the room. Josie ran up to him making us all roll our eyes and laugh.

"Hey" Billy greeted us after he kissed Josie.

"Hey" we all said, but our conversation couldn't go on as the head teacher already started hushing the students so he would speak.

TIME SKIP - 8:22am

"Ok see you at lunch time" Ruby shouted as she followed Tillie and Jane on their first period. I simply waved and started walking next to Josie and Diana.

"His speech was quite different this year" Diana remarked.

"Yeah because he thanked all the teachers. After last years drama with them complaining that he underestimated them, he wouldn't dare do otherwise" Josie said making me laugh. After we arrived at the classroom, Miss Stacy hadn't arrived yet, so we simply sat on our seats and chatted with each other.

"Hello children! It's nice to see you all again!" Miss Stacy's voice rang as she came in the classroom. She left her bag on her desk and looked at us.

"I don't find it proper to start a lesson right away after summer vacation. After all you all did a great job during exams in my lessons." She said making us all smile and look at each other.

"You can all chat with each other until the bell rings. Oh also have in mind that after lunch we'll have a new student in our class, as well as 3 more students in other classes, so be nice ok?" She said as we all nodded.

We all started chatting quietly with our desk mates.

"So Anne, now that it's just us two, what happened back when you went to take our programs?" She whispered. I looked down at my desk fiddling my fingers.

"Diana I already told you, nothing happened. I just got carried on with school like I always do" I said trying to seem normal.

"Anne Shirley Cuthbert, I know you better than anyone else. We tell each other everything. Now what is it that is so serious you can't even tell me?" She asked. I couldn't resist. She's my kindred spirit! I can't lie to her, i feel like I'm betraying life itself.

"Ok so um.. promise me you'll still be my friend" I told her slightly moving my gaze to meet hers. She laughed.

"Anne don't be ridiculous! Of course I'll be your friend! Your best friend! Always!" She told me giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"So when I exited the office, I got pushed on some guy and umm.. well he helped me up and all and he was really polite and unfortunately handsome and I just curse myself for thinking that bu-" I said but got interrupted by Diana.

"Anne, it's alright! You just found the guy attractive, it's not like you kissed him or something. It's totally normal! Gilbert is back in Avonlea and you miss him, so it's totally normal!" She told me.

"Why wouldn't you want to tell me?" She continued.

"Because I felt like I betrayed Gilbert on some way and he's your cousin, so I felt bad" I said.

"Anne, even if something worse had happened I would always be here for you to talk. I could never bear not having you in my life" she said as she side hugged me. I smiled at her.

"Did you at least say thank you? Because, how I know you, thinking all these with Gilbert, you could leave the poor guy in the middle of the hallway." She said laughing.

"I did say thank you, twice, but I kind of did left him in the middle of the hallway" I said scratching my neck. We both laughed.

After a couple of minutes spent with playing Rock Paper Scissors, the bell rang signaling us that it was time for lunch. We gathered our things and went down the hallway to find the rest of our friends.

"Ugh! He even gave us work for tomorrow!" Tillie exclaimed as our three friends approached us.

"What did you guys do?" Jane asked us calmly.

"She let us chat but these two decided to ignore me during the whole hour!" Josie said pointing at me and Diana. We both laughed.

"Sorry" we said in unison.

"Meh it's ok, I talked with some girl named Emma. She's pretty cool actually, we should consider letting her in our squad" Josie said as we entered the lunchroom once again.

As we walked down to the end of the room to find Billy once again, my eyes met two deep green familiar ones. I stopped dead on my tracks.

"Is everything ok?" Diana snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah.." I said following my best friend back to the rest of our friends. I thought so much of Gilbert today, I practically thought I saw his eyes in my schools lunchroom! Maybe I should relax a little..

Maybe I started losing it..

Or not?

Hey ok I'm getting excited, I just gave you a hint but wait up, I hope you'll like next chapters oof😂❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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