One-Shot Competition

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Heyyy Lupas!! Surprised to see me (or, well, to see an update)? It has been a while.

You're probably wondering if you've read the title right. Yes, you did. I am opening up a new and final one-shot competition before the publication of Masked SheWolf. Someone suggested it, and I thought it was a great idea. Pre-order will be available starting next week anyway, so why not?

For those who don't know what a one-shot is, it's like a short story that begins and concludes in one single chapter. This competition is a MSW fanfiction one-shot, which means that you (that's right, YOU) can make up something that happens in MSW.

It has to be between 1000 and 4000 words, and it has to be presented before the publishing date (August 21st)

Now the prize for this is not going to be the usual "sneak peek" and all that. This is something real; a free ebook copy of the published version of MSW. Runner-ups will have discounted copies. The kicker is that you have to write something really really wonderful. 

It can take place anywhere you want in the novel; it can be a day in Dylan's life before the pack moved back, or her first day of college, or anywhere in between or in the very distant future. And it doesn't even have to be in Dylan's perspective; you can write in whoever's POV you want, maybe even the other shewolf, or even a character we've never met who happens to be a childhood best friend of one of the characters and who runs into them one day.

It doesn't matter! As long as it is obvious that it happens within the universe of Masked SheWolf, it can be about anything and anybody you like.

So what do you say? Want to take a shot at it? (see what I did there? :P)

Love you to death!


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