Publishing Questions

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Hey again Lupas!

A lot of you have been wondering some things about how I'm going to publish Masked SheWolf. Normally, I would hesitate to discuss details, because a part of me is afraid I might jinx it, and the publication will never happen.

But I realized it's silly of me; if it happens, it happens, and if not, I want to tbe able to say I tried. So I'm here to squash that fear away and open up a sort of panel for you guys to ask whatever questions you want, and I will answer all of them, except those that contain big spoilers, of course (I might give out some small spoilers ;))

I will answer in the comments first, but only once so I don't repeat myself in case more than one person asks the same question, and then I will compile them all for everyone to see.

Now. Who wants to go first?

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