~Chapter 16~

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We were all eating around the table. It was some what pretty loud all around the camp seeing a few of the demi gods either still eating or goofing around. The sun was setting behind the trees seeing the smoke from campfires start to light up the sky with smoke. I swatted the flies away from my food as soon as I heard the buzzing.
"So, What'd you guys do today?" I asked seeing Kirk look at me and respond.
"Well, we found out we're closer to the gods than we think," he said seeing everyone look at them.
"What do you mean? Like higher up than demi gods?" Paisley asked seeing John nod.
"We didn't get much information from Zeus but he told us that me and Kirk are pure shadow knights," John said seeing everyones eyes widen and smile.
"What? Really? No way," Eunice smiled patting John's shoulder. They both smiled.
"Yea I just realized our fathers were shadow knight generals, with those knights that brought us here," Kirk said seeing everyone look at each other.
"Woah so the two of you are really really close with the gods. The gods must have created the Shadow knights right?" Rencie asked seeing them nod. Then they looked at Eunice.
"Eunice did you know your ancestor is Gaia?" Kirk said seeing her look at him by leaning forward a bit to look by John who sat between them.
"Really?" She asked seeing them nod.
"Your mom isn't a green witch, shes mother nature," John said seeing Eunice's eyes widen.
"Huh?!" She asked. Rencie and Muslim sat up a bit.
"Rencie did you take out that book Zeus gave you?" Kirk asked seeing Rencie put it on the table seeing once he had shrunk back to normal, so did the book.
"Here, we've figured out Kirk, John and Eunice's background. I've read I'm a descendant of a blacksmith. Hephaestus," Rencie said seeing Muslim looked at the book beside him. "Apparently i have a great talent for craftsmanship. I can make weapons." He continued.
"Oh shit really? How'd you know?" Muslim asked seeing Rencie flip to the first few pages.
"This is a magical book that tells you everything about your ancestors. Here are the instructions in order for it to work. It told me to put my hand on the book and say my whole name. Wait a 3 seconds and then take your hand out and close the book. Once you open it, everything about your ancestors will appear and everything about you," Rencie said seeing Muslim nod.
"Let me try," Muslim said seeing Rencie close the book and slide it to Muslim. Muslim opened the book and placed his palm on the page. He said he full name and then closed the book, after 3 seconds he opened the book and gasped.
"Ok that's trippy, my ancestor is Dionysus," he said seeing them smile.
"God of Wine and festivity," John said seeing Muslim chuckle.
"I think its cool," Muslim said seeing Paisley lean forward and try yo read it.
"Does it say anything about your powers?" She asked seeing Muslim flip through the pages.
"Says here I can throw great parties," he said hearing all of us laugh.
"Is that all?" I asked seeing him chuckle.
"Well apparently I dont need to be in my dragon form to spit fire, and I can turn into other types of dragons from different realms," he continued seeing a few of our mouths drop open a bit.
"Seriously?" Paisley asked seeing Muslim's eyes look excited.
"I didn't even know that!" Muslim smiled seeing Paisley flip the book around for her to see it.
"This book is crazy," she said seeing Kirk chuckle.
"You know what was so weird, when me and John read about our fathers, their names were scratched out for some reason," Kirk said seeing Eunice look at him.
"How come?" She asked.
"Maybe those idiots scratched it out," I said, mentioning the group of kids that made a fuss about the damn table.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Paisley said.

My eyes were shut, I was asleep, slowly drifting into a dream.
I was walking past a crowded street again, like I saw in the vision. I looked around and questioned where the hell I was. I saw my friends walking ahead of me. I tried calling out for them but once I caught up to them, I touched Eunice's shoulder but as soon as she turned around, her eyes were red and she looked at me with hatred.
"You!" She yelled and formed a spear in her hand and held it up to my throat. I gasped and my dream switched to a bridge. I was standing in the middle with everyone on the other side. They were all mad at me. Ready to attack. I shook my head.
I tossed and turned, until I sat up and opened my eyes. I panted and looked around. There was no one in here with me in the infirmary. I looked down and placed my hand on my forehead. What is going on?
"Can't sleep?" I heard someone say, I turned my head seeing Apollo standing in front of my bed. He had his arms crossed over his chest.
"Apollo," I said seeing him look at me as if he was pissed at me. I cleared my throat. "Had a weird dream that's all," I said seeing him stare at him.
"I think you're confusing dream with Vision," he said, I looked at him carefully.
"What?" I asked he then approached me.
"Tell me Will?" He said and stopped. "Do you know who you are?" He finished, I didn't know what to say. He stared at me with pure hatred.
"I dont understand," I said seeing him shake his head.
"Watch your back Wade," he warned and then walked away. I crossed my eyebrows and looked back down at the sheets. What is going on?

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