Incorrct Avengers Account

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Peter snickered to himself after hearing Steve yell "SUCK MY STAR SPANGLED DING DONGS!" And he knew Steve had just been blue shelled on Mario Kart.

He quickly pulled out his phone and logged into his internet famous Incorrect Avengers account.

Only thing? It was filled with stuff they'd actually all said.

The last four on the site were

"I know you're in the couch Buck I can see your arm poking out." "NO YOU CANT!" -Steve and Bucky

"Dude.. How do you fucking do that? How do you get that muscle between your biceps and your triceps."  -Steve looking at Thor


"Okay so I have these sorta almost deadly  chemicals I need you to drink." "OH GOD NO!" "I only paralysed you for a week Clint can we get over that now?"- Nat and Clint

The Adventures of Loki, Peter-Parker, and Shuri and Harley. PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now