An Unsure Love (King K. Rool x Fem!Ape!Reader)

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One morning, whilst walking along the beaches of Kongo Bongo Island, something grabbed you out of nowhere and ran as fast as it could. You screamed for help, kicking and thrashing, but no one came to your rescue.
You couldn't see what captured you, but it felt weird.
All you could hear from it were its footsteps, and an "Oof!" when you kicked and punched it.
You kept trying to get away, but it kept you in place over its shoulder... somehow.

No one heard you, and no one knew what was going on, including you.

After a few minutes, you had been put back on the ground, and promptly tied up with ropes. You saw then that your captor was a Kremling, a member of King K. Rool's troops. You glared at him, and he looked apologetically back at you. You now knew this wasn't his idea, and he didn't really have a choice in the matter. You say to him,
"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry you had to go through all this."
He looked a bit happier at you, and nodded. Seems like he was mute or something.

Then on the stage in front of you, a platform rose up. This platform revealed none other than the evil ruler himself, King K. Rool.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in!" the nasty king exclaimed flamboyantly.
You remained silent to see what would happen next. A foolish move, but you only did it out of curiosity. The blue-blooded reptile walked up to you, caressing your chin his hand. You gave him a dirty look, but he only snickered.

"Hm, a quiet one! I like that! It's so good to finally have a hostage that doesn't blab."

It seems like he was trying to get you to speak. He was... teasing you? Well, you were always up for a challenge, so you (once again), said nothing. K. Rool looked like he was getting a bit angry. Well, maybe a bit more than a bit.

"Aren't you going to speak? Berate me? Spit in my face?! Just giving up?! Oh, come on! I thought I was going to have a fiery ball of fury to deal with! You're just making this too easy!"
You only smirked at him. It seems you were winning this petty battle.

"Oh, fine! Be that way! Now, where was I? Oh yes! Explaining my delightfully devilish plan!"

He waddled up onto the stage, posing, and said so all could hear,
"I will use you as bait for Donkey Kong, lure him to me, and crush him while you and his stupid little friends watch! Why you, you ask? Because! Candy Kong has no comparison to your looks, and since she and DK broke up, you'd make easy bait for a lonesome kong like him!"

Did he just call me pretty? Let's see where this goes.

"And, to make the trap even more alluring for that ape, I'm going to make you my bride! That dumbo will come running to our wedding, and I'll rip him to shreds!"
"NO!" you yelled at the top of your lungs.
"What do you mean 'no'? You don't have a choice! Let's just call this, shall we say, an arranged marriage!"

The croc laughed with glee as he told the Kremling who brought you to bring to a nearby cell for your imprisonment. He put you in handcuffs, still tied in ropes, and gently put you into the cell.
The cell looked similar to a birdcage of sorts, which was strange to see, but that didn't matter to you. You were being forced into marriage!
You didn't know when the ceremony would be, but you had to get out of there!

In the other room, the king was planning his wedding, writing, and thinking.

I can't believe I've found such a fine catch! If this plan comes through for me, I'll have a queen, and perhaps even a child of my own! An heir to my throne! And, to top it all off, I'll have the Crystal Coconut, and I'll become the ruler of Kongo Bongo Island! All I have to do now is get her to fall in love with me, and defeat that blubbering fool Donkey Kong! But real love! None of that love potion business. Too risky.

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