Eddie the Yeti X Reader (Curiosity)

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This was a request from @leo-luster! Thanks for requesting this! It was SO much fun to write. You have no idea how oddly invested I was in making this. 😊

You were on a mountain expedition with your friends from Kongo Bongo Island. Although you had lived there for almost forever, you has never actually climbed up the tallest mountain on the island. Why? It was too tall. But now, with a team, a guide, and some supplies, you could finally quench your thirst for answers, and get to the top of the mountain.

Your teammates were Donkey Kong, Candy Kong (surprisingly), Bluster Kong (who invited him?!), and your guide Funky Kong. Candy Kong brought the supplies, and Bluster (who was still here for some reason) would plan out how we would use the supplies (rations, etc.). Funky Kong would lead the way (he knows the whole island like he knows how to surf!), and Donkey Kong would keep watch for avalanches, unstable climbing spots, and dangerous creatures. You (as a supporting member of the team) would cook, take care of injuries, as well as set up camp when need be.

As you all explored the mountain, all you could see was snow, rocks, and more snow. Maybe a dead sprout here and there. Maybe a rabbit or bird, but nothing very special.

You kept climbing, Bluster complaining about his hands and feet, while Candy complained about her skin getting dry and hair getting frizzy due to the cold temperatures.

However, you, unlike most people, enjoyed winter and snow. You loved the crunching under your feet, the chill on your skin, how it looked so beautiful and pristine.
(I freaking love winter.)

That night you set up camp, pitching the tents, and starting a campfire, cooking up some canned beef stew that Candy had brought along.

At dinnertime, everyone would chat, cuddled up in blankets.
However, you didn't exactly like talking that much. Even if you did, you didn't really have anything interesting to say at the time.
But, you still appreciated that everyone seemed to be mostly getting along. Of course, you'd have to separate Bluster from Candy and Donkey sometimes, but that rarely happened since DK was almost always next to Candy.

You kind of wished you had a relationship like theirs, but with a lot less conflict and drama. You liked simplicity, and if that seemed silly or stupid, then so be it. You didn't have much of a reputation to uphold, anyways.

In the morning, you continued your hike. Same old, same old. Snow, complaining, hands hurt, skin dry, feet hurt, hair frizzy, and an unstable rock here and there. Although it was only day two, but you already tired of the tedium and nagging complaints from two specific team members.

On that second night, you again made the food and pitched the tents, but didn't set up your tent, instead writing a note, and placing it by the lawn chairs you had brought along. Taking your tent, chair, some food, and your supplies, you left camp in search for the mountain's peak alone. Although you were already exhausted from today's climb, you had to move on before the others noticed that you were missing.

As you trekked up the mountain, you looked at how the snow twinkled in the moonlight, and how it shimmered similar to glitter.
Even though you despised glitter, you love the way the snow looked like it. Or like sand, glimmering from the seawater, beautifully reflecting the sun's rays.

As you thought this, you slipped on an icy patch of snow, as you had pulled out your ice pick, and the rope stabilizing you snapped, breaking instantly. You gasped, but was so shocked that you couldn't scream. So, you shut your eyes instead. You were about to fall to your doom, when something roughly pulled you up.

By the time you notice you weren't dead, you only then realized that your savior was no longer in sight. Perhaps he was shy, but nonetheless you were glad you had been saved from a long fall.

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