True Freedom (Pirate King K. Rool x Mermaid!Reader)

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This fanfiction was requested by @Koronbain! I hope you like this! Sorry this took so long, but DANG this story gave me writer's block!

You were a mermaid. You were the daughter of King Adamaris and Queen Calliope, rulers of your family's underwater kingdom, Aquaria. You had three sisters, you being the eldest of the four. You also had a brother, but he unfortunately passed during childbirth. During that time, your mother passed as well. However, you were much too young to know your mother all that well, and you were too young to understand what death was.

However, as the eldest heir to the throne, it meant you were constantly pestered with marriage requests, and statements like, "Act more like a princess!" or, "You're not acting very princess-ly, Your Highness."

You despised being royalty. You hated being flocked by mermen and mermaids constantly, being told to act like someone you weren't, and being treated like a god. You were only one person, and you wanted to just be treated like everyone else!

To top it all off: As a Royal, you rarely got to spend time with your family. And, when you did, it's all staged and surrounded by paparazzi. You had to act like everything was perfect!
"Nothing wrong here! I'm a princess, therefore flawless, like the rest of my family! Ooh, look at me! I'm so pretty! Look at my stupid little wave, and my perfect white teeth!"

You hated it. You hated the life you'd been given. You loved your family to death, but it wasn't healthy to stay. You had to escape this fate.

You've had a friend since childhood. Someone who wasn't influenced by your rank. Your dolphin friend, Flip. He had been orphaned as a child, but had a sister. He was too shy to make many friends, let alone acquaintances. He would be bullied for how meek he was, but you and his sister Flap stood up for him, eventually teaching him how to stand up for himself. Through it all, he was the your best pal. He comforted you after stressful days, he would keep your mind off of bad things, and would always have fun with you, trying to make your happy. He always succeeded in cheering you up at least a little bit.

You left your room one night, swimming over the balcony to talk to Flip. If you had to go, you'd at least bring one good friend along.

"Hey, (Y/N)!"
"Shhh! Quiet! I have to tell you something!"
"Oh, okay! But... why are we whispering?"
"Because I'm gonna escape this place, and find somewhere new to live. I want you to come with me."
"Yeah! It's gonna be great! Finally away from being a princess, all of those royal duties, and the evil paparazzi!"
"Well... what have I got to lose? Let's go, then!"

And so, the both of you swam upwards to the top of the water to get a better view of where to go. Along the distance, you saw a port where many ships, including a giant one, were docked.

"Ooh! This is it, Flip! This is where we'll stay! I bet people up there are much better than down there, and we'll be close enough to a seabed, food, water, as well as meeting new people on the shore!"

"Sounds good to me! But we have to be careful not to get caught. If they find out you're a mermaid, they'll catch you for sure, and put me in a tiny glass box!"

"But the reason I went in the first place was so I could make new, better friends. Of course, not including you, pal."

"True. Hm... alright. You can talk to them, but you must keep your fish half submerged at all times. If there are any divers or anyone with goggles nearby, you must leave. If they spot your fins, they'll alert the others. We need something to cover up your fins if you want to make sure you don't get caught."

"Yeah, let's find something. Um... how about... oh wait! I have an idea!!!"
"This better not be what I think it is..."
"Oh yes it is!"
"Let's go see Flap! She's a very skilled mage, isn't she?"
"Yeah, but I'm not sure this is a good idea. If you get legs, you won't be able to swim as well, and I won't be able to follow you on land. To top it all off, you won't be able to breathe underwater anymore, so you could never go home unless Flap decided to actually leave home for once."
"True, but... this is my only chance at freedom! I must take this opportunity, or else I'll never be able to live how I want to!"
"...Fine. Let's go."
"Don't worry, Flip. I'll always make sure I'm close enough to the beach so that you can swim next to me. It'll be like we're going on a walk together!"

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