An Unsure Love Part 2 (King K. Rool x Fem!Ape!Reader)

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"You... you forgive me?"

And with that, she ran off... away from me.
I already miss her, but... something in me tells me it was the right thing to do.
I feel like... I'd rather have her happy... instead of fulfilling my own evil schemes.
This is an odd feeling to say the least.

I hope she comes back.


"Donkey Kong?! DK?! Where are 'ya?!" (Y/N) shouted into the distance, walking along a much-used pathway.
"(Y/N)? Is that you? You escaped from K. Rool?!"
"No, actually, but I came to tell you I'm okay now."
"Thank goodness! But how'd you get away?"
"He let me leave."
"Are you alright? That can't be true! That's not like him at all! I've never, NEVER, have seen him let a person go free."
"I know, but... I think he felt bad for me or somethin'."
"No, he couldn't have, because he never feels guilty about anything!"
"Well, maybe you're wrong, DK. Maybe he does feel bad, but just never had the opportunity to get rid of the guilt."
"Hm... you might be right. But, nonetheless, I'm glad you're safe!"
"Thanks. I'm glad, too." you replied, giving him a hug.

With that, the two of you went to your individual huts, and went to sleep for the night.

The next morning, you awoke with a yawn, looking out your window. Your hut just-so-happened to have a really great view of King K. Rool's lair. With a sigh, you fixed your hair, ate breakfast, and decided to pay you previous captor a visit.

You opened your door, and hear a thump and a "tink" noise. When it fully opened, you found a vase of flowers, and a letter accompanying it.

On the letter was a wax seal, and it was signed by none other than the royal crocodile himself.

Opening the letter, (Y/N) read:

Dear (Y/N),

Although I have allowed your leave from my kingdom, I still do not feel as if I have properly apologized for my wrongdoings towards you. I know you have already forgiven me, but I think my apology was a bit rushed. So, to make up for it, I'd like to invite you to join me for lunch at the nearby Cononut Café at 2 PM today. It's a safe, public place with food that wasn't made by anyone affiliated with me or my minions, since I doubt you trust my home, my workers, and I. You don't have to go, of course, as it is your choice. I'd completely understand if you didn't want to come. Either ways, I hope you enjoy these (favorite flowers). They're native in my area, and they reminded me of you. Thanks for reading this, if you decided to.

My humblest apologies,
King K. Rool

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