An Unsure Love Part 3 Finale (King K. Rool x Fem!Ape!Reader)

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He wants to hang out? Somewhere where everyone will see? Hm... this ought to be interesting. Perhaps I'll take up his offer.

So, with that, you tidied your hut, made yourself look presentable, and headed out.

As you walked, you couldn't help but wonder why he was so insistent on apologizing. Maybe it wasn't just possession over you or pity or he felt for you, but something more. That something, you thought, were not sure of. Perhaps he doesn't have malicious intentions after all, despite what Donkey Kong has told you. You knew he wasn't the type to lie, but he may have exaggerated how evil he was. You cared for DK, and you knew he worried about you, but you were your own person, and that your life was yours and yours alone.

"Let's just hope," you said to yourself, "that me accepting his offer isn't a bad idea," you finished, giving a nervous gulp, seeing his Majesty waving to you with a grin.

"I'm so glad you could make it! I'm also relieved, haha. Please, make yourself comfortable," his Highness said eagerly.
"Thank you."
"I'm guessing you've read the letter I sent you?"
"Good, good! Did you get the flowers? Do you like them?" he continued eagerly and nervously.
"I did, and they were lovely. Thank you."
"No need to thank me! The pleasure is all mine. Oh waitress! 2 banana milkshakes, please! Is that okay with you?"
"Sure," you replied. "I had a bit of a hankering for one, anyways."

With that, the waitress left the two of you to chat. But, you were still very curious as to why he was so apologetic to you, and so eager to get to know you better. Nonetheless, you wouldn't cause a scene, and decided to address that later. For now, a fun day would be nice.

The waitress then returned with the milkshakes, and left again, leaving the two of you in an awkward situation. You just drank your shake as the king mostly ignored his, practically talking his crown off. Maybe he only ordered a shake to keep the waitress from getting suspicious.

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry for blabbering on, (Y/N)! What is it, my dear?"
"Are you nervous?"
"Uh. Heh! Why would you ask that? I'm not nervous at all! Heh heh!"
"You sure? You're very... excited, is it? Something like that. Eager?"
"Well, I suppose you're right," he said with a sigh. "I'm just really excited because I thought you'd turn me down, and I didn't actually expect you to come, so I guess I'm just... really glad you're here."
"Thanks. I'm... glad you're here, too. I don't know why, but I am."

Just by that statement, you saw the king sit up from slouching sadly, only to look at you with eyes filled with hope and happiness. The kind of eyes that said, "AAAAAAAAAA YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" but visually instead of audibly. You couldn't help but smile at him. He followed your lead, and he gave you a giant, toothy grin. Although he was giant, he was so... quirky. In a funny way. You laughed at this thought.

After finished your shakes, you said to him,
"I trust you. If you want, we pad out the day a little more, and do something?"
"You t-trust me?"
"I trust you. Are you deaf?" you replied with a smirk.
"No, but let's go do something! Come on!" he declared, dragging you alongside him without hesitation.

There was a carnival at Kongo Bongo's boat dock. There was a Ferris wheel, a cotton candy stand, some (rigged) carnival games, a hot dog stand, a carousel, and more carnival-y stuff.

"Ooh! Look! They've got a Ferris wheel! Let's go on!" the king exclaimed excitedly.
"Sure! Looks fun!" you agreed.

After waiting in line, you boarded the ride with him. You only then realized his (probable) trickery. To get you alone with him in the Ferris wheel to either talk, or maybe more...

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